chapter 1 ;finding out

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Regina spots bay on the steps crying

Regina ;bay are u okay you look a little sick

bay gives the stick to regina

Regina ;woah wow your pregnant what oh

Bay ;cries ;regina please help me i just found out I have been sick for like 2 days took the test and that's my answer .

regina ;now do u want to keep it i will tell melody for you and you can tell emmett but you have to tell john and kathryn though

Bay ;cries ;dad's going to hate me I know it he is i bet he will say something like i wish you weren't my daughter ..

Regina ;no he won't huh would you like me to go in to help u tell them

Emmett drives up in his car

regina ;so werid not seeing you on your motorcycle

Emmett ;signs ;gotta heal how's my little sweet heart huh why are you sad huh

regina;signs ;bay u want to

Bay ;signs  and cries ;were going to have a baby and be parents emmett please be here

Emmett ;signs ;your pregnant

Bay ;cries ;yes

emmett ;signs ;well it's not what we planned but i won't leave you okay i promise sweetie pie and are little sweetie pie

regina ;signs ; i think bay is a little under shock right now bay do u want to keep the baby and raise it with emmett

bay ;signs and cries ;yes i want my baby to know who it's parents are i think i am going to go puke

Emmett ;signs ;right behind you sweetie

bay and emmett run to the bathroom bay pukes while emmett holds her hair . Kathryn walks in

Kathryn ;Emmett is she..

emmett ;signs ;yes she is pregnant

kathryn ;are u going to stay and help

emmett ;signs ;yes very much so

kathryn ;bay sweetie i am going to make you a doctors appmointment okay .

Bay ;thank you can l lay down i am so weak

emmett helps bay to bed

bay ;signs ;thank u

2 hours later

john; kathryn what's wrong regina's talking to melody outside why is she here they are signing so i can't understand

kathryn ;bay's pregnant

john ;I am gonna kill them

kathryn ;emmett's upstairs with her okay she's just upset right now okay and emmett's being there for her john if he keeps going like this there is nothing we can do

john walks into bay's room

john ;can i have a moment alone with bay

Emmett leaves and kisses bay's forehead

bay ;cries ;you hate me don't u

john ;i am a little shocked and mad but it's okay emmett seems like he's going to help out

bay ;cries ;i am not giving up my baby i went my whole life unsure of who my parents where i am not doing that to my own child i am not okay

john ;I know you aren't i didn't expect you too

bay and emmett // end of our teenage dreamWhere stories live. Discover now