chapter 9;baby t time part 2

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story form sorry I have kept on changing :)) promise from now on story form

8 sentences per PROV every chapter

Emmett's PROV ; Bay had been in labor for nearly 3 hours now my mind was racing she was 30 weeks 10 weeks early could the baby be small or would it be 4 pounds I honestly didn't believe a baby at 30 weeks would be 4 pounds but I hoped so though. My faith had grew in a short time I prayed even though bay didn't pray I tried to pray when I got home where no one would see me all I wanted was a healthy baby and healthy bay I didn't care about anything else . After 5 hours of Labor Bay was starting to get in more pain before she was just whimpering and I would rub her forehead or back now she was crying and squeezing my hand tight and telling me not to let go of course I wouldn't go unless someone asked me a question that's the bad part about being deaf . About 7 hours in Bay was screaming for Kathryn signing it for me though Niki thankfully went and got her she went back home with Toby and Kathryn walked in you could tell she was excited bay choose her to be in the room what seemed to confront bay is Kathryn and I talking about the baby and how pretty it would be . 10 hours of labor the doctor finally came in and said baby Baylee was on her way 30 mintues later my baby was brought into the world I looked and her tiny body and she was kicking she wasn't crying  she was just kicking bay was laid back and asked if she was okay I signed "hold on just stay talk to your mom". By the time I looked back up they had rushed her off to the NICU already Toby was outside with Niki and Niki explained I was the dad so they let me go back I looked at her she was so tiny and her arms where as big as my pinkie it looked like I just stared at her and I felt a tear roll down my eye gosh there is nothing like seeing your baby girl for the first time . I couldn't tell how much she weighed but it was less than 4 pounds after I got done starting the doctor came back in and tapped me on the shoulder and followed me back into the waiting room he said "Baylee weighs only 1 pound 4 oz okay she is very little some power prayer will have to be made here Regina arrived right then and signed to me what the doctor said she signed to me personally "Does bay know". She ran to Bay's room and I just stood there without moving a body part finally I signed "thank u doctor I will be in soon to check on her actually my girlfriend and I will" I was moving my mouth while I signed so he understood and I ran back to bay's room she was cleaned up and was crying hard on her pillow she saw me and signed "Emmett I am going to kill you why didn't u tell me she was small that something was wrong huh why" I signed "I didn't mean to sweetie honest I didn't it happened so fast I didn't want you to worry you just had her and I wanted to tell you and make sure everything was okay.

Bay's PROV ; After long hours of pain and wonderful support from Emmett and my switched mom Kathryn I was finally happy for the doctors to announce that baby Bay lee had arrived I noticed she wasn't crying but I thought they had to suck stuff out of her nose or something next thing I know is Emmett is signing for me to stay with mom I had no other option I was cut open .Kathryn said "Bay they took her Bay lee to the NICU okay that's why Emmett left she looked really small it's okay don't be mad at Emmett alright he didn't want to worry you I saw her" I felt so much anger towards Emmett for just leaving me alone with the unknown I started crying at loud and sobbing the nurse said "sweet heart it's okay is he the dad" i answer back "yes he is" Kathryn said "and he's been around through everything i promise hasn't went a day without seeing her" she smiled and said "she's got her daddy she's okay". The words did not make me feel any better I grabbed my mom's hand and said "I can't do this i want my baby girl your suppose to hold them right mom right" she turned slient and squeezed my hand and kissed it . Just then I saw Emmett walk in he explained to me that it happened so fast that he didn't want to scare me so that's why he didn't tell me i guess that was a good reason I signed "is she pretty who does she look like" he smiled "she hasn't got much hair but that hair she does have is black" he smiled so big i wanted to kiss him right there in front of my mom and i didn't care who walked in then the tears flowed again is she okay Emmett I signed he got down by my bed side and said "she is she will need tons of prayers though alright sweet heart" I knew right then i had to change my faith Emmet had been praying a lot that struck me to ask a question i signed "Emmett where you praying because Niki wanted you to or for Bay lee he signed "for Bay lee of course she and you mean so much to me alright i need god in my life look at all the crap i put you and everyone trough". The sweet nurse that was there before pulled up a wheel chair and said "the NICU called they said Bay lee started crying smiles" my eyes lite up I signed to Emmett and helped me in the wheel chair we went down to the NICU and i saw that face it was crying and kicking Emmett touched me and signed "yep she's related to bay kenish" i smiled and stared at my baby girl i told her momma was there for her and she alright . We went back to our room the night the reports where good but we where told that didn't mean she would do well forever we would have a bad period and i was hoping that bad time wouldn't come . Niki came back with a pink bible and told her us it was her gift to Bay lee but Emmett and i read it instead when we opened the page it said "to my darling neice Bay lee Kathryn Bledsoe i love you so much sweetie love uncle toby and soon to be Aunt Niki.I knew by the help of our family and friends we where going to be okay .

bay and emmett // end of our teenage dreamWhere stories live. Discover now