chapter 17 ; teen parent 2

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Bay-lee ;8 mounts old

Bay; signs ;can’t believe she’s 8 mounts today

Emmett ;signs ;she’s been doing awesome

Bay ;signs ;she’s my miracle

Emmett ;signs ;mine too

Bay ;signs ;it’s your first day at dad’s carwash

Emmett ;signs ;my first day being away from my girls who will I live I miss my pookie’s

Bay ;signs ;say daddy I will miss you

Emmett kisses bay and Bay-lee on the forehead

Bay; signs ;say daddy you want to give my first bottle before you head to work

Emmett ;signs ;yes

Bay hands the bottle to emmett and he begins feeding her and john walks in

John ;no time to feed the baby we have to go

Bay ;he’s feeding the baby

John ;I can see that I am not blind

Bay ;let him do it okay it takes about 15 min

John ;why that long

Bay ;cause she’s a slow eater

John ;it took only 5 min to feed you

Bay ;she’s not like me she’s different she’s not the same as a normal infant alright

John ;work is work

Bay ;being a parent is also his work and I asked him and he wanted too

John ; bay you should have given the kid up if u known she was going to be this much trouble

Bay slaps john

Bay ;don’t u dare say that cries ;she is perfect and beautiful and not a burden I hope emmett saw you sign that

John ;he wouldn’t care

Bay ;cries ;he sure would

John ; u feel better now that you slapped me

Bay ;cries ;not really

John ; want to do it again

Bay ;are u really that stupid

John ; no I am not teenage mom

Bay ;I am done here I am tired of toby and u making fun of my daughter and her health conditions

John ;where u going to stay

Bay ;melody’;s

John ;like that will work out

Emmett walks over with bay-lee

Emmett ;signs ;all done with bottle momma can I have a word with your dad

Bay ;yes

Bay takes bay-lee from Emmett then throws the bottle in the sink while Emmett and john go into his office

Emmett ;signs ;u said my daughter was mistake and called her a teen mom

John ;u are teen parents it’s not a lie

Emmett ; signs ;my kid is not trouble and bay should have slapped you way harder okay Kathryn is the only one that understands and I am sorry you won’t get to see your grandchild grow up

John ;she’s not my granddaughter I have one grand child his name is alex

emmett ;signs ;I want to punch u so bad

John ;where u going to run to

Emmett ;signs ;moms

Emmett runs in the ketchine where bay and the baby are

Bay ;signs ;I am already packed

Emmett ;signs ;lets go

Bay ;signs ;exactly

Bay and emmett leave

Katthryn ;why did they leave

Ohh cliffhanger

bay and emmett // end of our teenage dreamWhere stories live. Discover now