chapter 14 ; breathing for me

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Chapter begins

Bay-lee ; 4 mounts old

Emmett ;signs ;how is ,my little angel today

Nurse ;she’s good she slept through the night we are going down on her oxygen so her breathing is good but another issue has come up

Bay ;what issue huh

Nurse ; the NICU doctor came by and noticed her head was a little big that could mean fluid on the brain

Bay ; what can they do

Nurse ; a Cat scan and then we go from there

Bay ;I held her yesterday and she looked fine

Nurse ; it could be nothing were just checking

Emmett ;signs ; what is it baby girl do u just like to scare momma and daddy

Nurse ;say yes NICU babies love to scare people smiles it’s true

Bay ; can emmett hold her before her scan because I got to hold her yesterday for the first time I would like him too

Nurse ;yes he can how long did u cry after you left

Emmett ;signs ;the whole ride home

Nurse ;it’s emotionally holding them for the first time

Bay ;a wonderful emotion

Nurse ;are u ready she’s light

Emmett sits down in the rocking chair

Nurse ;you ready I am going to lay her on your chest okay

Emmett ;signs ; okay

Nurse lays Bay-lee on Emmett’s chest

Bay ;that’s daddy huh how does it feel

Bay -lee ;ahh ahh

Emmett ;signs ;what’s wrong munchkin

Nurse ;I think she senses about her cat scan

Bay ; daddy and I are right here

Emmett ;signs ;your beautiful like your mommy

Bay ; aww daddy that’s a an amazing comment smiles

Emmett ;signs ;are u okay baby girl you seem tense

Nurse ;her oxygen is going down that’s why lets her get her back in bed now and make her oxygen level higher

Nurse quickly gets bay-lee off emmett’s chest

Emmett ;cries and signs ;maybe she was confused with the signing and talking I don’t know

Bay ;cries and signs ;I know sweetie

Nurse ; we made her oxygen 100 but she’s still struggling I am going to call the specialist

Bay ;cries ; Emmett how

Emmett ;signs ;it’s not your fault are mine we just have to stand by our baby girl

Doctor walks in

Doctor ; hello I am doctor hannam u are

Bay ; emmett Bledsoe bay kenish

Doctor ;he’s the father though right

Emmett ;yess I ammmm

Doctor ;your …

Emmett ;deaffff

Doctor goes over to look at Bay-lee

Nurse ;he will come out and give u a report

Doctor ;actually she’s gasping for air we may need to put a breathing tube down

Nurse ;now

Doctor ;yes she’s starting to turn blue Now hurry

Bay ;cries ;god why she was doing good

Doctor ;u guys need to leave now

Bay and emmett walk out

Bay calls her mom

bay and emmett // end of our teenage dreamWhere stories live. Discover now