chapter 6 ; mad at Emmett

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Family meeting in bay's bedroom so she can be included

Melody ;signs ;he is the father of that baby so you have no right to tell him he can't come into this house

Kathryn ; he has never yelled at me or anyway

bay ;cries and signs ;it was his father instincts kicking in

Emmett ;signs ;it was bay is right but Kathryn I didn't mean to I just we have been through a lot with the baby

Bay ;cries and signs ;Alex was hitting me in the stomach

John ;I don't want bay or the baby to be endanger to Emmett

Bay ;cries ;dad really dad seriously Emmett wouldn't hurt me or the baby physically

Emmett ;signs ;I have hurt her by cheating but that's it I promise I haven't done anything that's the first time I have used my voice to yell

Kathryn ; he has been there for bay and the baby and melody has let him come over and be apart of everything

Emmett ;signs ;I want to be a better father than my father was

Bay ;signs ;I know you do sweetie

Emmett ;signs ; please don't let me out of her life Kathryn I promise and I promise to daphane it will never happen again

John ;well I am sure we could provide for the baby just as well or even better as you could do u even have a job

Melody ;signs ;Emmett breath don't loose your cool

Emmett ;signs ;I may not be rich or have a nice car but I will provide the baby with what I can sure u can help but don't say that u two can provide more than I can u just have a smart mouth john no wonder Regina moved to angelo

John ;signs ;I do not understand what you said

Emmett ;signs ;S- M -A -R -T  A can u understand that huh

Bay ;cries ;Emmett please don't start please Emmett please I need you

Emmett ;signs ; alright just for you I love you huh

Melody ;signs ; Emmett Bledsoe can I talk to you outside just me and you no one else okay

Emmett and melody step outside of bay's room

Melody ;signs ;I get it you are taking up for your child and girlfriend that's wonderful but don't be smart about it they have the right to keep you out of this house and keep you from your child . Now they are not the most understanding people but you need to get along with them

Emmett ;signs ;I get that but what are you suppose to stand there and take it mom I wanted to punch him the dang face

Melody ;signs; What is going on with you alright tell me

Emmett ;signs ;gee mom I found out bay was pregnant then she was in the hospital I thought I was going to loose my child I am only 19 mom there is so much I can take alright

Melody ; signs ; I get that your stressed I can't imagine but being apart of bay and the baby's life also comes with getting along with everyone I know that

Emmett ;signs ;okay then I will try to get along

melody ;signs ;thank you that's all we want

Bay walks out

Melody ;signs ;bay sweetie your suppose to be in bed alright it's okay everything is okay Emmett's not mad anymore

Emmett ;signs ;did they let you out here

Bay ;cries ;they where to busy yelling Emmett

Emmett ;signs ;Go back to bed alright

Bay hugs Emmett

Emmett ;I ovee youuu sweetttiee and our daughter

Bay ;signs ;I do too

bay and emmett // end of our teenage dreamWhere stories live. Discover now