Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Mirai wanders through an alley trying to find an available motel to stay in . She walks in search for the place as she hears screams from a slight distance . She walks towards the noise out of curiosity as the informant smirks mumbling " dear don't forget curiosity killed the cat" he smirks watching as Mirai fall into his trap .

She watches as some men are covering a girls mouth as the others kick her. she stares frozen in place watching the scene before her unroll. A man takes out a knife as he places the blade to the brown haired girl's neck. Her eyes meet with hers as she watches the short haired girl pleading for her to help her yet Mirai simply stands there with a blank stare just like her fathers.

The girl nods giving a slight smile as she says her last words "Take care of Masaomi" the man slices her throat holding a phone near the scene, chuckling as screams of anger are heard through the phone.

Mirai runs the other direction , she runs not willing to stop afraid that those men watched as she witnessed the scene . She felt her eyes fill with tears remembering the bleeding girls throat , she could have saved her , she could have stopped whoever it was on the other line from feeling pain of losing someone precious to him. She shook her head realizing it's to late now , she's gone..

" white queen out " Izaya kicks the white queen out of the board with the black queen as he places it in the place the white queen had once been. " see Namie everything's going according to plan ." He grins as he places the white king besides the black queen . " The games have only just begun Mirai-san"

She wipes her eyes with her sleeves " I guess one less person to worry about in this rotten world" she stops running no longer feeling afraid nor sad . It's as if she became an entirely different person in less than a second. She starts skipping towards a motel she spotted in her short run there. She looks up at the dark blue sky seeing millions of stars " i'm close to finding you little star , one day you'll be only mine and I won't let anyone hurt you " she mumbles still staring at the millions of stars .

She enters the motel only to be greeted by an old man around his sixties " what do you want?" He replies as bluntly as he walked by " a room" the old man takes a key out making her sign a paper . " your room is 308 it's up the stairs to your right" she nods making her way up what feels like a never ending staircase . She groans realizing how much that reminds her of her rotten home. She tries to ignore the memories that threat to appear with no success. " Stop!" She covers her ears as the memory of the scene stops playing and repeating over and over.

Masaomi throws his phone against the wall as he runs towards his beloved Saki." I swear i'll make those bastards pay if they did something to her" he clenches his fists as he runs under the now pouring rain. He feels a shiver run down his spine as he remembers Saki's screams of pain . He shakes his head " no , she can't be .. She can't be dead" he feels tears well up in his eyes as he runs even faster not caring if he slips.

He soon finds the alley he tracked the phone to as he watches a lifeless body surrounded by a pool of blood "No" he clenches his fist as tears fall " no!" He runs towards the now lifeless body picking it up . " Saki , what have they done to you?" He cries as he touches her pale face " I- I love you Saki"

He closes his eyes in pain as more tears fall " I-I'm s-sorry , this is all my fault " he stares at his now blood stained jacket not caring as he stares at his now dead girlfriend. He remembers seeing all the life in her face just seconds ago . The way she smiled at him and laughed at his shitty jokes .

" why? Why?!" He cries out as he holds her frail pale body to his chest . " she never did anything wrong!" Tears fall from his now bloodshot eyes.

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