Chapter 5

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He didn't make it on time. It was far too late to save her . Her heart had already stopped beating and she was a cold as ice . Her eyes had lost all the life in them . Tears fall from his eyes as he stares at her lifeless body "I'm always late , aren't I?" He chuckles humorlessly .

He holds her fragile body not wanting to let go of her . " I'm sorry" he stares at her lifeless eyes knowing that he could've saved her . " It's all my fault!" He chokes out " I'm sorry Saki!" He lies there under the rain as his heart breaks into pieces . "Don't leave me... Please" he cries out.  " Come back to me " suddenly anger overcomes him and he clenches his fist " I'll kill them , every single one of them. I'll make them pay for doing this to you!"

Izaya stares from afar and chuckles .  " everything is going according to plan , all I need now is for the black queen to find her king " he laughs as he watches Masaomi run after the blue squares. He looks to the other side " it seems he's doing all my work on his own"  Mirai tries to stop the never ending reel of memories but it's too late now. " I have to get out of here!" She runs down the staircase as tears fall from her eyes. " stop!" She cries out as she makes her way to the exit .   She pushes the door open as she runs, closing her eyes hoping the haunting memories would just fade away. She crashes into someone as she fall to the ground. " watch where you're goin-" he stares at the crying girl in front of him and stops " are you alright?"

She crawls back while quiet sobs escape her mouth. Her body trembles while Masaomi slowly walks towards her " I won't hurt you...I'm Masaomi Kida" he tries his best to smile, despite the earlier events. The girls eyes widen at the name, the name the dying girl had given her. " M-Masaomi K-Kida..?" He nods, as he extends his hand, for her to take. She hesitantly takes his hand while he helps her stand up." hello?are you okay?" hewaved his hand in front of her face while she staredat him, shocked. It seemed the boy in front of her kept on surprising her. No one had ever asked her that, no one ever cared enough to. She looks at the boy and takes in his features. He had blonde hair and beautiful honey eyes. She stares in wonder and frowns when she sees his tear stained cheeks.

" why are you crying?" " nani?" He touches his cheeks and sighs " don't worry about it.... It's complicated" she hesitantly nods. " Well, I have to go... What's your name?" She smiles lightly at the blonde " Mirai" he waves at the girl as he takes off in the direction he'd been going in the first place.

She stays there as she touches her hand " Masaomi Kida..." A smile crept onto her face as a chuckle is heard. " who's there?" A figure slowly appears from behind a wall. " young love.... Such a beautiful thing,isn't it?" The man grins as she furrows her brows in confusion "love...?" She'd never felt such emotion.

" yes, love. When you'd do anything for someone else" he approaches the girl and extends his hand " Izaya, Izaya Orihara" his grin grows wider while the girl hesitantly shakes his hand. He then places his hand in his pockets and chuckles " ne, Mirai would you like to know more about Kida-kun?"

She immediately moved her head in the sly informant's direction. She nodded as a smirk formed on the sly informat's face "I'll tell you anything about Kida-kun ..... However such precious information must come with a price....." Mirai stares at the informant waiting for him to finish speaking " don't worry, it's nothing..... Serious. Well unless putting people to sleep counts as something serious " he giggles while she furrows her brows in confusion " do you mean... Killing?"

He shakes his head " It's not killing when they're already dead... Just think of it as if you're doing them a favor. You see, they can't sleep so they need your help Mirai. All you have to do is make them sleep forever and I'll tell you everything about Kida-kun" he gives her one of his infamous fake smiles as she nods slightly. " how do you know my name?"

He laughs " I know everything, Mirai" he grins and starts walking away. " Nice doing business with you" he waves while while grinning leaving a dumbfounded mirai. She sniffles and wipes her tears.

She smiles lightly " I've finally found my star...."

Kida runs as fast as his feet let him, taking a few turns. By the time he arrives at his location there's no one , nothing but dust left. He clenches his fist " those bastards"

He kicks a trash can and falls to the ground. He begins thrashing and punching at the ground as tears fall from his eyes."I'm always too late, aren't I Saki?" He sobs and curses at the wind " I couldn't even avenge you!" He can even imagine Saki lecturing him. Telling him revenge was never the answer.

He sobs as footsteps are heard. " such a tragedy" the sly informant wipes a few fake tears and grins. "Too bad you didn't make it on time....perhaps she'd still be alive if you hadn't taken sooo long" Kida starts shaking both from anger and regret.

"Saki..." He holds back a sob and swings a fist at the sly informant who so easily dodges it " always so mean Kida-kun" he giggles while skipping away. " now let's see what happens once the white queen is corrupted.." He mutters under his breath while grinning.

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