Chapter 6

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Song: Still Here - nightcore

Kida's P.O.V

I smile warmly at her and watch as she stares at me with loving eyes. I cup her cheek and caress it with my thumb while she smiles at me " I love you, Saki" she runs her hand through my hair " I love you too, Kida." Her smile soon fades to a frown " but I have to go" I reach out my hand to grab her while she shakes her head.

" Kida, I have to go, you have to let me go." I shake my head while tears start to form in my eyes " don't leave me, please..." She caresses my cheek and gives me and places her lips on mine. " you can't keep me forever Kida, one day you'll have to let me go." I hold her Small frame and place my chin on her head " but I don't want to" she sighed and escaped my embrace " you have to Kida, if you never let me go you'll only be holding me back. I can't rest in peace if you don't let me go. Please let me go!" Her voice starts to rise while tears form in her eyes. Yet I was too selfish at the moment and shook my head " I won't let you"

The world around us starts to decay while her tears fall to the ground " let me go!" I shake my head while she starts to sob . Everything starts falling apart while Saki falls to her knees. " why can't you understand?!"  " Please understand! It hurts Kida, it hurts!" Tears fell from my eyes from watching what I'd caused. " I can't " her face went pale while her skin began decaying along with everything else "S-Saki?" I reach out a hand to her while she glares at me " this is your fault " her voice echoes around me while the once beautiful world starts to fall apart. She stands up, her face turning into nothing hit rotten flesh.

She moved at almost lighting speed towards me, her hands find their way around my neck, choking me. " Your fault, Kida. This is all your fault" she glares daggers at me while I thrash around her grip. "L-let me go S-Saki" she shakes her head and laughs " oh how the roles have changed, haven't they? Does it hurt Kida-kun?" A wicked smile appears on her lips.

Almost as if she were an entirely different person her eye widen in realization and she drops me. She falls to the ground and sobs " G-Gomen I don't know what's happening to me ever since I arrived to this damn place"I wrap my arms around her while she sobs.

" leave" " never" she sobs and pushes me " leave damnit! This is your fault! No, stop... stop it's not his fault" she clutches her ears in her hands " I hate you!  I love you! What's going on?" She furiously bangs her head in the ground while I can do nothing but stare " S-Saki?"  She looks up, one of her eyes rotting while a tear falls out of the other" Leave!" The world starts to crumble while Saki bangs her head against the ground, screaming.

I abruptly wake up,I touch my cheeks feeling a wet substance. I've been crying.. I sigh and stare at the plain ceiling " I'm sorry.. " Is all I can mutter, not knowing whether she can here me, did any of that even happen? Is Saki truly trapped there? So many questions yet no way to find the answer. She can't be trapped... Can she? I quickly shake my head , she's not , she's resting peacefully... She has to be.

I close my eyes and see an image of Saki, rotting. I immediately open them, yet it's too late. I already know that image will haunt me, I try closing them again but this time I don't see Saki, I see Mirai. She's dangling her legs on the edge of a cliff, the same cliff where-

It can't be, it can't be. There's plenty of cliffs maybe it just looks alike..why would she be in the same cliff where I saw her, Saki in my dreams? Something tells me whichever reason I saw her there means no good yet I can't seem to believe that she was there for a reason, it was probably because that cliff now haunts me. Yeah, that's got to be it.

I close my eyes once again and see Mirai covered in blood, I jump up and open them, what the hell? I suddenly wonder whether she's fine... Maybe I should -No, I shouldn't be  thinking about her, I should be mourning Saki.

I sigh "I guess I won't be sleeping any time soon"

Mirai's P.O.V

I bolt up and pant.. I had another nightmare, 5th one today... I sigh first time I've ever been free yet she still somehow manages to hold me back. I chuckled humorlessly, oh the irony. I ran away to get away from her yet here I am thinking about her.

I wonder where Nakura-san is.... He told me we could run away together, yet he's nowhere to be seen... I don't mind though, at least not anymore. It wouldn't be right to be with Nakura-san while all I can think about is Kida. I smile, remembering our short yet sweet encounter.

I glance at my nightstand, seeing my phone lying there... Should I? I shake my head, I can't kill people as if their lives were meaningless. What about what you said earlier? ' one less rotten person' . I shakily reach for the phone, what am I doing? I pull my hand back and shake my head. It isn't right, an image of Kida-kun appears before my eyes,reminding me of the star I took so long to find. I can't lose him, I can't lose my star.

I'll take their lives away, the ones of every single rotten person because in the end all I'll be doing is making the world a favor... Making Kida a favor.I reach for the phone, searching in my contact list for any new number, just like I'd assumed Izaya has managed to hack my phone.

I tap on his contact name and make the call. It rings a few times while I impatiently drum my fingers on my nightstand " I see you've decided to take my offer" I can almost see the grin on his face " I'll kill anyone I have to meanwhile you remember our deal and do your part" " of course, How can I forget? Besides I am an informant after all so giving information is only normal for me"  you nod " bye, Izaya-san" " sayounara Mirai, I'll send you the details of your first task, also remember that the faster you manage to finish your task, the faster you get information on Kida-kun"

I giggle, a smile forming on my face. I look out my window, the smile only growing " You'll be mine and only mine, my little star.."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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