Chapter 2

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She sighed with dry tear stained cheeks " Nakura - san i'm ready to leave" she whispered to no one in particular. She smiled remembering the day she met  her virtual friend.

* Flasback*

She cried in her bedroom, burying her face in her pillow. She was targeted by her parents to be number one in every aspect of life. She rarely went out since her parents forced her to do homeschooling. She never had any friends or freedom. Her life was controlled by her parents since the day she was born. she was always surrounded by loneliness.

She stood up from her bed, still sobbing and browsed the internet to lighten up her mood. She turned on her PC, moving the cursor of the mouse to the browser icons. The moment she opened her e-mail, she received an e-mail from an anonymous sender. She opened the email, quite confused with the content of the email. The email was about an invitation to a group called Dollars, the sender even sent her the password to enter the page.

"Dollars?", she said weakly, still sobbing. She clicked on the link that the anonymous sender sent. Not long after that a Web page called Dollars showed up in her desktop screen. She gulped as she clicked the password that the anonymous sender sent her, after that she could see many of post and discussion forum inside the Web page. She was surprised by how many people had gathered and told their life story in the discussion thread.

She gulped and introduced herself in one of the discussion thread.


'Nice to meet you :)'

She pulled a deep breath as she typed those words in the discussion box. People were starting to reply to her introduction and greet her back. She was very happy because finally she was able to communicate with people other than her parents.

All of her worries and sadness were gone in a swoop as soon as she started to go online frequently to the dollars website. After the mysterious invitation, the next day even a month later she appeared yet again in the Dollars webpage and spent the entire time online to see how they were doing. Although her parents still pushed her around however she could bear it.

She sighed and started to make a discussion thread about her life. After She waited for a response from the fellow Dollars. One person responded and his handle name was 'Nakura'.


'Are you okay?'

She was surprised that this person was quick to respond her thread.


'I'm not okay, I'm lonely and I just want to ... run away'.

That's when suddenly Nakura gave her his contact number and chatted privately with her.


'I understand your feelings, although in my case. My parents always fight at home. I never have any peace when i'm there'.

She gasped then replied him.


'Are you okay Nakura-san? '.

Nakura replied to her.

'Fine as ever, but were you serious? The thing about running away in your thread'.

She replied firmly, confident with her decision.

'YEP, I'm SURE!! ".

That's when Nakura suddenly texted something that she never expected before.


'Let's run away together'

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