Chapter 3

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Ever since Nakura typed those words Mirai planned everything and was determined on escaping all of her pain. She looked outside her small window watching the other teenagers talking and laughing .
She sighed , wished she could have friends and go see the outside and feel the smooth breeze on her skin.

" why? why can't I be like them ? Is there something wrong with me?" She felt tears threaten to fall from her eyes yet she refused to let herself break down, not again. She heard a slight knock on her door as she looked up. " Mirai , darling your father and I will be going on a trip." She jumped up immediately rushing towards her mother " I-I'm g-going outside?" She questioned joy overpowering her as her mother chuckled almost as if mocking the child ." Darling I got a small news flash for you , you're not going "

Mirai felt sadness overcome her as she questioned " why not?" Her voice was now barely audible " well honey we don't want you to embarrass us , you wouldn't want our neighbors to think less of us now would you?" Mirai clenched her fist as she numbly layed on her bed holding her knees to her chest.

" well anyways we'll be there for a week you should have enough food in the fridge bye darling" Mirai looked away in disgust as she heard the car start. She felt anger boiling in her veins . " I DON'T NEED YOU !" She yelled tossing her lamp against the wall as tears fell from her face . " I don't need any of you " she mumbled as she packed her bag with what she would need , she would finally do it , she would finally be free.

She swung her bag across her shoulder trying to open the front door but it wouldn't budge she groaned in frustration as she opened the window jumping out in the process. She felt tears stain her cheeks as she ran feeling the wind through her hair. She had no idea where she was going but she didn't care this was the first time she's ever felt free.

She ran as she smiled widely looking at the light blue sky feeling the warmth of the sun on her skin. ' this is how the outside is' she thought to herself as she giggled in joy looking at everything she had read in books . ' They were real' she thought staring at the different colored flowers . She never stopped running afraid that in some swift movement she'd be dragged back to her 'home'. She noticed a train station as she smiled ,she was finally going to Ikebukuro.

She skipped her way there giggling out of joy as she noticed a train about to arrive that was going to Ikebukuro. Making her smile grow wider as she paid for her ticket . " Nakura-san we can run away just like you promised... Together" she mumbled remembering her internet friend .

The train arrived as she hopped on staring at the window astounded at what she saw . She felt as if this were a dream she would wake up from at any moment. Flashbacks of her rotten memories passed before her eyes as her smile faded .

* before *

" Dad , Please help me!" She cried as her mother kicked her once again . She watched as he stared with a blank expression on his face .

" Dad ! What's wrong?! Why won't you do anything?!" She cried out tears already freely falling as her mother chuckled "Darling your father's busy right now , he won't help you " She whispered as Mirai pleaded for him to help her only to watch the same blank expression.

Her mother stood up dragging Mirai behind her " you see the needle on the table?" , She didn't answer . Her mother pulled her hair as Mirai winced in pain " Yes I see it!" She chuckles " When your father injects that he can't move" Mirai glanced at her motionless father , questions popping in her mind .

" why he does it? To feel numb to the pain " she grips her hair tighter as she kicks her in the gut . Mirai winces as she coughs a small pool of blood." Please.. Stop" She watches as her mother giggles " darling your punishment isn't over it's only just begun"she watches her mother with the sick grin she had come to know.

*end of flashback*

"Miss?" A man shakes her shoulders as she just blankly stares at the nothingness as her memories go by like a broken record "miss?!" She snaps back to reality realizing she's already arrived to her destination. She abruptly stands up thanking the man as she rushes outside to see the city .

Her smile appears once again as she stares at the lights and buildings with wonder . "I wonder where Nakura-san is?" She questions trying to make her way through the city.

" oh goodie my last pawn has finally arrived " Izayas stares from distance and grins " now let's have some fun , shall we?" He grins wider realizing how his plan is falling perfectly into place . " you can't make her somehow wander there Izaya , so why are you smiling so much ?" Namie asks getting quite annoyed at the informants games , The raven haired just laughs as if Namie said a joke .

" she's already going there besides i'm the one who made sure this happened" Namie furrows her brows at the certain statement the informant made . She sighs not wanting to question the informant further . Izaya moves the black queen in the same spot where the white queen should be ."let the games begin"

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