A fairytale begining

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Most stories don’t start with once upon a time anymore… there’s no far away magical land, it’s all for little kids, and fairytales are based off of dreams that could only be true in imagination.

I sighed taking in a long breath as my quill pen wrote on the paper as my instructor rambled on his history lesson. As he had his back turned I reached in the desk taking out my letter I had tried to be writing to my friend Cream the Rabbit. She’s a young princess that lives in the more North Eastern part of the land. Although she was a kid we had a lot of things in common. We still liked the fairytales of ‘true love’.  Father doesn’t want me to listen to anymore of the stories Cream’s mother (the queen) comes up with, he said they’d fill my head with ideas. Last message she sent to me was about a princess, just like her and me, who had a twin but the twin was a pauper, and they traded places to live as the other for a day. One of my favorite stories was about a prince who rescues a girl that was trapped in a tower by a witch, and the princess had thrown the prince her long flowing hair so he could climb up the tower and see her. 

We write each other all the time, about our dreams, and what life would be like if we were sister. She’s a really good friend I don’t know what I’d do without her.

“Ahem Amy are you paying attention?” my instructor suddenly broke from his lesson looking back at me.

He startled me and I jumped a little looking up and covered the letter with my paper work, “Oh yes of course!” I lied.

“Hmm…” he narrowed his eyes and stomped over to my desk holding out his hand, “Let me see it.”

“S-see what???” I looked at his hand blinking a few times.

“You’re notes on the lesson!” He huffed tapping his foot.

“Oh.” I handed the papers up to him and looked down to hid my letter to Princess Cream, only I had accidently pinched it between the papers that I gave to my teacher.

“Oh um…” I scratched my head nervously and tried to find a way to snatch it without him knowing.

“Amy this is half the lesson, what have you been working on for the past hour!?” he raised his voice at me putting the papers down on my desk. I quickly pulled them closer to me before he could take them away again.

“Do you think I LIKE to spend my day’s preaching away to a royal brat like you all day!? Standing on my feet for hours on end giving knowledgeable and valuable education to a child that doesn’t even appreciate it!? There are children out there who work the rice fields and clean the horse stable that can’t afford to know they’re ABC’s, and here you are day dreaming and writing to a child half way across the land to another kingdom! And I don’t think you’re sending her one of my lessons to pass your knowledge on hmm, of course not! Now you pay attention for the rest of the lesson or I’ll turn that letter into your father!”

I bowed my head pinning my ears back and nodded. He loses his temper fast, but he lets me keep my notes I write to Cream.

“Alright, that’s enough for history…” He sighed, “Let’s do some arithmetic.” He went back to his chalk board.

His lessons went on until lunch time when I was finally brought my lunch in my room. I hardly ever went out of the castle, out of my room to be exact. I wish my life was more like the fairytale princesses, they got to live in forests and sing and dance with little woodland creatures, and was friends with everyone in the village. But as a ‘real’ princess I never come out unless I am needed… and that is almost never, unless my father is showing me off at a royal party. As a woman my duty was to stay hidden and look pretty at parties. At least daddy had the decency to grant me an education, which I admit I sometimes take for granted.

After lunch I was able to finish my letter and I called over my messenger Chao. Handing over the letter the Chao flew off towards the North Eastern Castle. I was about to relax in my bed when a maid had opened my door, “Amy, your father would like to see you.”

I quickly got up and hurried down the stairs with her. In the main entry room was another royal family; I recognized their crest to be the North Kingdom. Although my kingdom is north as well our castle is only but a few days away from each other. The king and his queen talked to my parents and my eyes fell on their son. This wasn’t just any prince; this was THE prince, of every girl’s fantasy. The quickest, smartest, and unarguable handsomest prince in just about the whole world!!

My eyes trailed up his long legs, his electrifying blue fur color was astonishing, and his soft peach muzzle without a flaw in his lips and not a quill out of place, and those glowing green eyes! I felt my stomach flip and I had to cover my mouth before I screamed.

‘Prince Sonic the Hedgehog is in my castle!’ I screamed in my head. Although keeping calm on the outside I made my way down to my chair by my parent’s trying to move as gracefully as can be hoping to strike his interest. I frowned sitting down finding that he wasn’t paying any attention at all. His eyes watched the floor as his arms stayed crossed on his chest his lips pulled in a frown and he shifted his weight every so often. Something was bothering him, he was thinking about something.

“Your daughter is very beautiful.” His parents said smiling at me. “Don’t you think Sonic?” they nudged the prince with their elbow.

He caught himself from the push and looked up irritably but quickly covered it up showing a most perfect but practiced smile, “O-oh yeah.”

“Perfect we’ll arrange the wedding for the beginning of next month. They will have this time to… adjust to each other if you will.” My dad said.

“WHAT!?” Sonic and I both screamed at the same time, though I was in shock and disbelief that I was betrothed to the most handsome prince in the land. But I heard the disappointment and horror in his voice.

Prince Sonic looked up to his parents his eyes screaming an explanation but his father just gave him a stern glare making him take back his attitude and bow his head.

“We’ll start with a ball tonight!” My dad stood from his chair. 

“Tonight??” Sonic looked up, “But that’s like, right now.” He flattened his ears. I looked out the window to see the sun set in the clouds.

“Then let’s get started!!”  My parent’s sent out a messenger chao to summon all the aristocrats and his friends.

“Right then! Make with the adjusting then you two!” our parent’s said in a sing song voice whilst pushing Prince Sonic and me close together.

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