Becoming too real

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Amy’s POV

How strange, I had finished my studies early and found that Shadow’s step father had come to visit the kingdom, even though it was in broad day light. It made me wonder if everything was okay down in the south. I pulled out my paper to reply to Cream’s note that my chao returned with. My little pink chao rest on the window ceil taking a little sun nap when something alarmed her and she began to chirp loudly.

“Chao! Chao cha-chao!”  She jumped up and down flapping her wings.

I got up quickly to see what she was so excited about, and saw from the sky a white bat in tattered clothes swooping down like lightning and practically kicked down the castle doors. Shortly after both the bat and the King rushed out of the castle and headed back to their homeland.

“What do you think that was about??” I asked looking down at the chao. She shrugged her small shoulders, “Chao?”

I turned around and opened my door poking my head out, maybe I could hear something about what happened.

“A war…” My father said to my mother as if asking her if he heard correctly.

“That’s right,” Mom answered, “North and South has always been like cat’s and dog’s but this was an unexpected for the South. I wonder what happened to set the North off so bad that they’d invade the South.”

A war, invasion!? Oh my gosh I hope Shadow is okay! My stomach did a flip and turned sour with the thought of him hurt or worse. If the South was under attack wouldn’t it affect our supplies here, since we trade with them? Why was the North claiming war so suddenly? It’s been years since they’re over boiling anger popped it’s cap, they basically turned their back on each other, one not speaking or having anything to do with the other, so with no communication how could one just turn around and attack like that?! How am I going to explain all of this to Cream in my letter… if I should even tell her such horrible news! I sat on my bed holding my head in my hands, an overwhelming feeling balanced it’s self on my shoulders, not like the one I felt when I was out in the open field with Shadow, this one was filled with negativity and made me feel sick or on the verge of just keeling over. I needed a minute, so many questions and no answers what so ever… and thick with worry.

“Chao!” My little chao squealed jumping up and down again. It was joined by the black and red chao that always looked annoyed it chirped back at her rudely, “chao. chao.”

I looked up at the sound of the other chao and hurried over to him finding a note from Shadow.

Urgent Message: Amy, I hope you get this message on time, if you haven’t heard already North had declared unofficial war upon us. I assure you I’m, I wish I could say the same for my people… However, I’m concerned for your safety. The day you and I had gone to Green Hill; the Prince of the North happen to be there and spotted us together. In a rage he took it upon himself to invade my kingdom. However I feel he isn’t just mad at me, but will have a few things to say to you and your parents. Though he is in love with another before you, he wishes not to have anything ‘given’ to him to have any contact with me or know of my existence, which is the only reason he’s started this. Even still it is a terrible crime to commit to go against your betrothed and be with someone else. We both may suffer some harsh consequences, there for as soon as you read this letter I wish for you to write me back immediately.


Wow this was fast… I wonder how his chao reached here so fast. Oh well, I didn’t have time to burden myself with more questions, I got out another paper and quickly wrote a reply and handed it to the chao that seemed to be antagonizing my poor little Chao. He was having so much fun bulling her around I had to separate them before it actually recognized it was given a message.

“Chaaao!” He cheeped and like Shadow seemed to do a miniature form of the Chaos Control and was gone in a little spark of light. Since the chao takes on their owner’s personality it also copies the looks and abilities. My poor little chao was flushed and had out a mini piko piko hammer ready to give that dark chao a good whack to the head when it came back. I picked her up petting her to calm her down and set her in her little house to keep them apart. Strange, if Shadow and I practically fell in love at first sight, why is it our chao’s fight like chittering squeals over a nut?

The chao arrived again just the same as he had disappeared.

It’s all my fault Princess… After I learned you were betrothed to Sonic I shouldn’t have kept coming around. I really had it in my mind that we could just stay as friends. But I’ll be damned if I let a penalty get put on your head for my mistake. I don’t care what happens to me, as long as you go unharmed by whatever consequences arise after this.


I felt the tears sting my eyes as I tried to keep them back, he was right. The punishment for this kind of treason is torture and or death!! Oh Shadow I’m so sorry; what have I done!? Why did I let myself fall for him!? What could happen to him, he’s a prince after all, are the charges that heavy for royalty? Maybe he could get off with just a slap on the hands and a firm talking to from his step father? Then again Sonic would most likely see to it he suffers a heavy charge, if he couldn’t get away with torture or death he’d surly shoot for banishment. Already chased away by other kingdoms and lands where else would Shadow have to go?? All of this trouble because of me?

“Hey, don’t blame yourself.” Shadow’s voice suddenly came from my window startling me for a moment but once I saw him, unharmed I was so relieved to see him.

“Oh sorry, I uh forgot to knock.” His ears twitched down for a moment and watched to see if I was angry. But I couldn’t be angry; in fact I pulled him inside keeping him in a hug and pulled him into a kiss. He yelped but was silenced by our kiss and my face burned when he pushed my body closer to his.

“What’s going to happen to us? I asked our faces inches apart.

“I won’t let anything happen to you Amy.” He said sternly lifting my head to look at him directly.

“But, well what’s going to happen to you?” I asked looking down, I don’t know how I can look into his eyes after what I made happen… even though he doesn’t want me to blame myself.

“They can try to do whatever they want… in all honesty; I can bring that North kingdom to ruins in nothing but a few Chaos Blasts, so it really doesn’t matter what they think they’re going to put me through.” He backed away looking out the window the sun was now starting to set. He became a silhouette in the golden light, and I hurried to him giving him another hug from behind, I heard the soft rumble of a purr coming from his chest. I can’t let this be the last time I ever hear or see him again; I can’t let this be the last touch! I know I’m betrothed to Sonic and it’s caused all this trouble for committing this treason, but my heart can’t help it!

“Shadow please… if there was a chance that Sonic and you were together would you consider talking to each other to work out a possible truce between the both of you?”

He fell silent as if holding his breath and biting his tongue daring not to answer.

“We could talk things out, didn’t you mention in your letter to me that Sonic loves another before me? I’m sure he wishes to be with that girl more than me! Maybe we can work things out to where not only are you guys not fighting anymore, but we can marry our true love!”

“After what he did to my people?”

“But Shadow this can’t keep going on!! You have to stop it sometime, and better now than never at all!” I said turning him around. He had been gazing our tide with anger and disgust but at the sight tears in my eyes he gave a sigh and bowed his head.

“….I-I’ll give it a chance, I guess…” 

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