Chapter 15: I Summon The Dead With A Chocolate Bar

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Man, school is ok and my life is ok, I was surprised, I thought my life was a half eaten cookie but things change, a bit at least. No school at the moment, today was a break, it's like, every second day is a break and then around three months for winter holidays and four months in summer, they want us to have time to 'train' in the wild but if you have nowhere to go you can stay with friends or study. I was thinking up my plans and writing it all down when Luna began to talk in my head, "Wut u doing?" she asked, "Wanna play M r e o?" "Wut's that?" "Mario, just say all the letters but the M" she explained, I said it aloud; 'MREO? m r e o, mario, ohhhhhh.' "Got it now" I answered back to her." "but how?" "Simple," she said, "See that wall?" "Yeah" "Push that button on it." I rushed my fingers across the wall until I found a button, I pushed it. The wall flipped around and there was a flat screen TV on the wall. "OMG!!!!!!!" I yelled, there was even a remote stuck to the side of the TV with blue tack and two Xbox and Wii remotes on the other sides. "Now," Said Luna, "stand under the TV." I stepped under it and two consoles flipped out of the ground next to me. "Man, I thought this world was just magic, not robotic stuff too." I squeaked in shock. "No, it's just normal technology," Luna whispered in my head.  "You know there's a market on the field right?" Asked Luna "I thought the field was wrecked." I wondered, "Just use magic and it's all fixed." she answered, "Have any money? 'Cos then u can go get sum stuff like food and video games." "I'll go get something, I got fifty, took it from someone, dunno who tho..." I replied. "I'll brb, kay?" "kk." So I went on my way, when I got to the field, I stared at the market, man they had great stuff, I decided that I would buy a video game called Rayman Legends for six dollars, three chocolate bars for three pennies, three bottles of Fanta for a dime and a nickel, last but not least, I bought a movie for a quarter, which movie? Coraline, I needed a bit of horror in my life but not too much. I turned around and started to walk back to my room when I saw something in the bushes, like last time, I know you're thinking, "GO BACK YOU SON OF A B****!" you think that a lot and let me say though, I am a girl so I can't be a son and also, I have a life so don't think just because you don't have one you have to make my life more useful because I like mine. Just don't. I hopped into the bushes and looked around, I saw a skeleton hand poking out of the ground so I hit it with my chocolate bar, but then the whole body started coming out. Then more and more and more skeletons, it was so creepy, just watching them come out of their grave, some of the flesh was still hanging on to it and they were standing in front of me, hanging their heads down, kneeling. "Tell us what to do mistress." They said in harmony. "Go back under ground and stay in hell forever!" I yelled and they obeyed, "Yes mistress." They all replied as they disappeared, leaving me alone, holding a chocolate bar in my hand.

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