Prologue: Hit the Back Button Before it's too Late! (264 words)

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Tales of Symphonia: Revised

"Hmmm...." a girl with an abnormal spelling of the name 'Elizabeth' mumbled while she sat in thought on a blue-checkered couch. Next to her was her cat, Meester Snicket, who was quietly purring beside her. This poor, young girl didn't know what to do on such an eventless day.

"I feel like doing something stupid...but what?" She juggled a few different ideas in her mind, but since she wasn't very good at juggling, the ideas quickly fell to the ground. She picked them back up and looked through them. "I could burn down the house. Nah. It's definitely stupid, but it's too unoriginal." She pondered a little more. "I could create a voodoo acorn of my high school band teacher. That's stupid and original...but I already did that...last year." She thought harder. "...Or I could make a really pathetic revised version of Tales of Symphonia..." She blinked a few times and thought over what she had last said. Suddenly, she sprung up off the couch, startling her poor cat, Meester Snicket, and made an enlightened pose...or something. "Yes! That's it! That's a FANTASTIC(ly stupid) idea! It'll be a story with tons of plot holes, random nonsense, idiocy, and...and....AND YUAN! YES! A STORY FILLED WITH YUAN!!!" Her eyes sparkled at the thought of her favorite blue-haired half-elf.

And thus, Tales of Symphonia: Revised Edition, also known as ToS Revised, was born.

...Except that this is actually the FIFTH version of such a thing.

...Or sixth.

I've lost count, in all truthfulness.

Without further ado, TOS RRRRRevised: (Awfully Written) Story Edition starts...NOW!

TOS RRRRRevised (A Super old Tales of Symphonia Parody I barely started)Where stories live. Discover now