Oneshot #1

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Quote of the day: I HATE F.E.C.
-Ezra Bridger
(Also goes with picture)


Ezra's POV.

    I just had a HUGE cup of martian coffee, and let me just tell you. That stuff's strong. For the first ten minutes after me drinking it I was literally bouncing (because we're in space and Chopper purposely broke the gravity generator) off the walls.  And it didn't help being Force sensitive because now everything is floating around me. (Btw, Hera fixed the gravity generator) Now it's 12:00 a.m. and I accidentally lifted Zeb up out of his bed with the Force , and he's still asleep.

    They shouldn't call this martian coffee. They should call it Force Enhancing Coffee. F.E.C. That's a thing now. I just made that a proud of me yet? No? Okay.  Wow I'm not acting like myself right now, this F.E.C is not good for me. Anyways.

   You know? I wonder if Kannan is still awake, I doubt it. But I should go check on him.

    I jumped from my bed, causing me to loose focus on the floating Zeb, which in turn caused him to fall flat on his face. You know what the funny thing is? He is still asleep! Oh. My. Force. Anyway.

( ...=can't hear that part of the conversation)

I made my way down the small hall way, towards Kannan's room. I was about to knock but then I heard Hera inside wisper yell "KANAN DONT YOU DARE THER ARE CHILDREN ON BORD THIS SHIP!"
I had to strain my ears to hear Kanans response so it was partly muffled "Oh come on Hera...just a little that's all I need...then we don't have to do this ever again..."

( ...= little pauses in sentences)

"Fine it shouldn't be that hard." Hera replied

I had so many thought going through my mind at that moment but the one that stood out the most was KANAN GANA GE' SOME LOVE'N

Unfortunately I think the FEC amplified my thoughts through the force because the next thing I know the door whooshed open and an invisible hand grabbed me and pulled me into Kanan's room with a confused looking Hera and a mix of shock and annoyance looking Kanan.

"Heeey Kaaanaaan...soooo...nice night/morning am I right?" I said nervously the affects of the FEC now taking full affect so that I can barely stand still. My body was shaking uncontrollably and I'm sure my idiotic smile was not helping my case in convincing Kanan that I'm not insane.

"Stop stalling. How much of that did you hear...are you ok?"

"S-Stalling who's st-stallllliiing I-I'm not stalling. N-n-n-not much accept you tri-i-ing to get Hera to make out wi-wi-with Y-y-y-you. I-I-I-I'm n-n-n-n-not ssssssssuuurrrree."  Ok I honestly tried to talk normally but it all came out in stutters and slurries.

Hera laughed uncontrollably and Kanan looked concerned for my sanity.


"To bad." Hera says to herself

I look at her with an expression that says 'I knew it' while Kanan shifts uncomfortably blushing madly.

"I said that out loud...didn't I ?" It was now Hera's turn to blush

I then start spazzing out so badly that I fall on the floor and laugh uncontrollably. I HATE FEC.

Both of my parent figures look at me with concern.

I feel Kanan searching my mind through the Force. I push back instinctively, causing him to wince a bit,
"His Force signature is way to powerful." Kanan says as he picks me up and puts me on his bed. My uncontrollable laughter has settled down in to a small fit of giggles, but I'm still spazzing out...A LOT.

I spend the rest of the night giggling in my sleep while snuggling up to my master in his bed. FEC isn't so bad if I get this kind of attention.

Author Note:

I ship Kanan and Hera all the way
I DO NOT ship Kanan and Ezra In my books they are strictly master and Padawan...or father and son at moments like the one above.
I'm cool with gay's, lesbian's, and bisexuals...their still people and some of my best friends have those kind of attractions, but I am straight ,so gosh dang it, so are all my characters😜

Ok that's my first chapter comment vote all that good stuff

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