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This is in the first season after the mission with Master Lumanara

Sorry for bad spelling of proper nouns

Warning: there are lessons about the Force in this chapter that I made up...I have know idea if what Kannan teaches Ezra in this chapter is true I just thought it was cool.
Readers POV ( which Is the same thing as 3rd persons POV)

"Your not breathing Ezra." Kanan said for the umpteenth time. They where alone in Kannan's  room meditating.

"If I wasn't breathing wouldn't I be dead?" Ezra said with a roll of the eyes and some serious attitude.

"Hello buttfaces!" Sabine yelled at the top of her lungs

"AHHHH!" Ezra shrieked falling backwards flailing his arms out and his eyes wide.

"Sabine! We are meditating!" Kanan yelled then added in a mumble, "Or at least trying to."

"I thought you said there was no 'try' it's only do or die or whatever." Sabine said waving her hand as if not to care.

"No... Not quite. Anyway, could you go out? .... And how did you get in my room anyway?" Kanan asked tilting his head to the side in question.

Sabine and Ezra shouted at the same time, "AIR VENTS!" They laughed and the Ezra playfully punched Sabine's shoulder then pushed her out.

"Now, shall we continue?" Kanan said retuning to his sitting position and closing his eyes. Ezra did the same only with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Breath Ezra." Kanan said softly as he felt throughout the bond that Ezra and him shared.

"Kanan...I am breathing." Ezra said annoyedly as he felt his master prob his mind. Ezra did the same, exploring the mind of the man he looked up to the most. This was new for him. He just learned about the bond a week ago when he had a night mare. Kanan had felt intense fear that came off of Ezra in waves and came crashing into Ezra's room to make sure he was ok. Kanan took Ezra to his room, so they wouldn't wake up Zeb, and explained to him about the bond between master and Padawan. And about how, in a strong bond, the pair could read each others minds, feel each other's feelings, communicate through the Force, and even track each other through the force (much to Ezra's discomfort because that meant that Kanan knew every time that Ezra was sneaking out). Ever sense then the two had been working hard at deepening the bond.

Kanan smiled as he felt his Padawan enter his side of the bond "Good, Ezra." He congratulated

Kanan opened his eyes but Ezra's remains closed a slight smile on his lips. He was breathing as if he was asleep, but Kanan could tell that he was still in his meditational trance.

"Ezra?" Kanan wondered why the young Jedi didn't fall out of the trance when his master did. Ezra was always eager to get out of the meditation sessions because he found the position to be very uncomfortable and always made his legs stiff.

"Ezra?" Kanan called again

"Hmm." Ezra mumbled as if he didn't want to be disturbed.

"You don't have to keep meditating."

Ezra slowly opened his eyes as his breathing returned to normal. But instead of getting up and running off to mess around, the young Padawan stayed in his masters room looking at him (but he did switch from sitting on his knees to siting with his legs crossed).

Kanan gave Ezra a questioning look "What are you doing?"

Ezra shifted uncomfortably, not knowing what to say.

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