Calab Dune and the Twil'ick

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Quick authors note: sorry if I spell names,places,races...basically if I spell any proper nouns wrong, I am sorry.
And also this oneshot takes place after Caleb aka Kanan lost his master. He is thirteen years old. That is all...enjoy the story...


What was that?! Oh nothing just the wind. What was THAT?! Oh just a rat. WHAT WAS THAT?! Oh just a cat chasing the rat.

My mind was racing. I just witnessed my best friends, the clones, betray me.

They killed my master. Oh God. They killed my master.

I was in a ally hiding from the men I once trusted with my life. The men I fought side by side for almost two years. My head was in my hands as the memories played.

"Caleb run!" My master yelled...she never calls me by my name unless I'm in trouble or is she's in a panic...which is never...she always affectionately calls me Padawan.
Called me Padawan. Past tense. She's dead.

They turned on us.
They fired.
She yelled.
I ran.
She died.
I lived.

I was now on the ground crying, shaking, whimpering, the bond broke between master and hurt so much.

I heard a clanging noise to my right.
I shots up, lightsaber lit, ready to avenge my masters death...even though I was a whimpering mess.

"It's ok! I'm not going to hurt you!" A young green Twil'ick girl said with soft calming eyes.

"Who-who are you?!" I demanded hating how my voice cracked.

"My name is Hera Slynarus (I know that's wrong sorry 😣) I live around here and my parents are out on a supply run, I heard you...well...crying and I was wondering if you needed a place to stay for the night." She said in a calming voice and with slow movements as if not to startle me.
To be honest if she didn't use slow motions I might of cut her out of fear.

" no thanks." I said not trusting her. I mean an hour ago the men I trusted the most tried to kill me.

She crossed her arms and looked at me with a expression that read 'trick! Yeah right! Follow me right now! Or else!'

"Um... I mean... Yeah... Sure." I said not daring to disobey that look.

She smiled confidently "Great! My place is right around the corner. You can take a shower while I make us some Mac-n-cheese. I would make something else but we're running low on food. The Republic hasn't sent any more supplies or support forces so my parents and a few others went to see if the our sister town had any to spare." She rambled on. It was nice to talk to someone my own age. Ever since I was sent to study as a Padawan under my master I have been out of contact with my other Padawan and Youngling friends.

We walked in to her apartment, she was talking about how she couldn't wait to see her parents again because she made a surprise gift for them for their honeymoon. I didn't have the hart to tell her that when my master and I were fighting the clones that some travelers tried to help us...they were slaughtered...among the travelers where 2 light green Twil'icks who's eyes shown just as bright as the one that was standing before me, throwing me a towel and an oversized shirt.

"The bathroom is straight down the hall. If you go left you get into my room if you go right you'll be in my parents room. We're standing in the living room and right next to us is the kitchen. End of tour!" She said clapping her hands twice at the last part.

I chuckled and mumbled a thanks as she pushed me towards the end of the hall.

The shower was amazing. Freezing at some points and boiling at others but still amazing. (Your shower be like 'you either get the Living Torch or Elsa there is no in between' 😄 comment 'Star Wars Rebel Showers' if you agree)

I looked at the baggy shirt that Hera gave me then back at my Jedi robes. My master had just washed them the day before. The weren't to dirty...besides... They make me feel safe. I put back on my white shirt and brown pants, but leave the actual robe off. I then folded up the shirt and put in Hera's parents room, the shirt was obviously her fathers, and folded my robe up and held on it. Walking out to the small living room, I saw Hera trying desperately to reach a pot on the top shelf.

"Need help?" I asked

She jumped slightly then turned around with a huge smile.

"That was the fastest shower I have ever seen. You where in there for like 2 minutes!" She exclaimed "And yes please."

I chuckled "Where I used to live, you had to be quick or the Supervising Master would turn off all the hot water and then for the rest of the night the other kids would glare at you because you where the cause of them not getting a hot shower after training." I explained then frowned as I found that I wasn't tall enough to reach the pot either.

"Master? You have a master? Are you a slave or a Jedi?"she asked

I used the force to levitate the pot down to the counter but about half way down it fell to the floor with a loud clang.

I sighed picking up the pot "I had a master. And I am...was a Jedi in training."

"Had and Was. Past tense. What happened?" Hera asked taking the pot from me and filling it with water.
I told her how the clones attacked, how my master died, about the travelers, but I left out the part about the green Twil'icks, and how I ran.

By the time I was done we where in the living room eating the macaroni and cheese.

I was trying my best not to cry...I don't like to cry...especially in front of girls.

She looked at me simplatheticly as I bit my quivering lip. Then she did the thing I would least expect her to do considering we just met. She hugged me.

I couldn't control it any more, I snapped. I clutched on to her as I balled my eyes out on her shoulder, while she just made soothing shushing sounds in my ear and rubbed my back.

"Shhh it's ok, love, it's ok. I'm here to help you. Shhhh I won't leave you unless you absolutely need me to. Shhh it's ok, darling, it's ok." She soothed

HERA'S POV 15 years later

I awoke from one of the most saddest dreams I ever had no it wasn't a dream it was a memory. I looked over to see Caleb...Kanan... sleeping comfortably by my side with a light smile on his lips. Oh how much he grew from the time I found him crying in that ally. He was now a leader of the Ghost crew, a fully realized Jedi, a Master, a friend, and most importantly my unannounced boyfriend. We know we're together we just never say it or said it outloud.

He shifted slightly in his slumber "No don't eat those, Chopper, their mine." He mumbled
I snorted and had to cover my mouth with my hands to keep from laughing to loudly.

This is how it should be. Us sleep talking about droids eating our things, laughing, playing, having fun normal joyful lives...not fighting for our future everyday.

It will be like that every day when the empire falls. And we WILL be there to see it happen.

"I promise." I said out loud to Kanan and kissed his lips lightly. He pulled me in to a cuddle hug and for the rest of the night I stayed curled up against my love, listening to him talk in his sleep about Zeb doing ballet while Ezra and Sabine Waltzed.

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