Depts from the Past

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Somewhere in season one before Kanan gets captured but after Ezra and Kanan get attached to one another (Force Bond) and before the were forced to leave Lothal...they are on Lothal. Rated PG-13 for bad words here and there

  "EZRA BREAKFAST!" Sabine screamed at the top of her lungs as she helped Hera set the table.

"KANAN COFFEE!" Hera yelled just as loud as Sabine

"Hera I'm here you don't have to yell." Kanan appeared in the door way with his famous half smile that always seemed to make Hera's heart skip a beat.

"Sorry love." Hera said smiling back at him and handing him a cup of coffee.

"Where's Zeb?" The master asked then immediately regretted his question when he saw the look Hera and Sabine shared. He quickly set down his coffee and clamped his hands over his ears as the girls yelled in perfect sync,


Zeb walked in the the room with an annoyed look on his face "Kanan tell your girlfriend to shut-" the Lasot stopped his growling as he saw the look on Kanan's face that read 'if you call her my girlfriend one more time you'll be begging for the empire to take you'.

So instead of continuing with his early grumble, Zeb continued with a complaint about how the girls used his full name.

"Where's the kid?" Zeb asked sitting down and pouring himself a cup of coffee.

Sabine drew in a huge breath and was about to yell for Ezra when Kanan claimed his hand over her mouth.

"It's way to early for any more screaming, he's coming." Kanan told Sabine who gave him a look that said ,'if you don't take your hand off of my mouth, I will lick you'

"I dare you." Kanan said as he retreated his hand to his side and sat down next to Hera.

"How did you-" Sabine began but was cut off by a yelp of surprise, banging sound, then a string of cuss words that only Sabine understood (given that she was the only one that spoke the native Lothal language)( Ezra speaks Basic and lothalian)(I made that up :))

Kanan's Padawan walked into the main room rubbing the side of his head and wincing at the slight pain.

Zeb stifled a laugh.

"What happened kid?" He questioned.

"I fell off the ladder." Ezra mumbled as he sat next to Kanan, who was sloshing his coffee around his cup next to Hera, who was giving the Jedi a glare of annoyance next to Zeb, who was devouring his meal next to Sabine, who wasn't hungry and was just sipping on some water...chopper was still in recharge.

"What did you say?" Kanan asked

"Nothing it doesn't matter." Ezra replied sounding a little bummed. He took a big gulp of water then began on the meal in front of him.

"Soooooo," Sabine started "What are we doing today?"

"Unless Hera has a job for us, I thought we could have a day off." Kanan said looking at Hera.

"I've got nothing, just miner repairs but chopper can take care of those." Hera replied

"Dose that mean we can go." Ezra asked pirked up hopefully

'Please say yes, please say yes' he thought

Kanan chuckled slightly, hearing his students plea's over the bond.

Hera rolled her eyes with a playfully smile "All right your free for the day."

Ezra leaped from the table "YEEESSS!"

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