PTSD/Fatherly Love

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Hey guys so here's the situation... I have major writers block so hers what Ima gana do... Im going to publish this chapter as it is (not complete) and then you, my lovely readers, will tell me what you think should happen next.  Then I will pick the ending I like best and THEN the person with the best idea on the ending will get credit for the ending, a fallow from me, 1 vote on every chapter of every book that he/she has, and a recommendation. Ok that's it... By

Just kidding there's mor to this authors not


This between  season one and season 2 after they kill/let the Inquisitor commit suicide. WARNING: I will be picking on Kanan in this one shot a lot and I mean A LOT. WARNING #2: this chapter is not my best work but I did try-I mean did my best. . . There is no try. . . 😯😳😳😯😎0-0
Also, I would like to remind all my lovely readers that Ezra and Kanan are strictly master and Padawan or father and son...meaning THEY ARE NOT A COUPLE!!!!! Thx read the chapter, don't do drugs unless your doctor tells you to even then question your doctor, stay in school unless your family needs you even then do your best to get some type of education, and all that other good stuff....why are you still reading the authors note? Read the chapter that took me 3WEEKS TO WRITE.


"Noooo!" Kanan moaned in his sleep as his student shook him

"Kanan wake up it's just a dream." Ezra did his best to comfort his master as he struggled to keep Kanan's hands away from his neck.

"Keep away from him!" Kanan, still in the dream world, growled at Ezra as he tried to wrap his sweat covered hands around the attackers neck. Unfortunately Kanan thought that Ezra was the attacker.

Ezra crawled, with great difficulty, on top of Kanan. He grabbed his wrists and held them above Kanan's head and placed his knees on Kanan's thighs, to hold him in place.

Kanan shouted and struggled against his pupil's hold, as Ezra yelled over his shouting to wake up.

"Kanan I'm not here to hurt you!"

"No! Ezra! Not him! Not him! I'll kill you if you hurt him!" Kanan's hands came free and found their way around Ezra's neck. Out of pure shock, Ezra went limp for a second. Kanan still being unaware of what he was doing, flipped them over so now he was on top and had both hands around Ezra's neck.

Ezra gasped and sputtered as he clawed at his attackers hands and tried to plea with his master to stop.

"K-Kanan -gasp- m-m-master -gasp cough- stop pleeeaassee -gasp- it's me -gasp- It's Ezra -gasp cough gasp-" Ezra's eyes began to close and his hands that were prying off Kanan's fell limply at his side.

With every ounce of strength left Ezra let out the most terrifying, pain filled scream through the Force.


Kanan jerked a wake, breathing heavily. Seeing his hands clapped around his apprentice's wind pipe, he imminently released him and shot off the bed to his side.

Ezra's eyes were closed and his body limp.

"Ezra!? Ezra! What have I done! Ezra no no no no no." Kanan began CPR placing his hands over his chest and pushing down in short little jerks.

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