Chapter 22

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Dedicated to all my beautiful readers. <3


Niall stood near gate 3 and waited impatiently for Florence as numerous "What if's" ran through his head. "What if she isn't real?" "What if she was just playing with me?" "What if this is some sort of prank?" It shattered him internally to think that someone, who never actually loved him is just doing this for fun and to see how big of a fool they can make him. He was getting all panicky and rubbing his sweaty palms together.

"Maybe this is the end of it all."-he thought as it was almost forty-five minutes past the time they planned to meet. He could feel his heart breaking as the truth sunk in. Florence couldn't keep her promise.
He just looked everywhere, distraught but, no one came.

"I knew it, I shouldn't have trusted her. I have always been warned about people online, they could be frauds, criminals, heartbreakers. It's a mistake. The dream to be with someone like Flora would never come true. Something as happy as that doesn't feel real maybe because it isn't. Maybe it was all an idea of fun for her."-he was now feeling really low and losing all hope.

Niall had dressed up just like what they planned- black shirts and trousers. He even combed his hair and put on some cologne. Generally, he doesn't put a lot of effort into dressing up because he thinks that he has nobody to impress so, there's no point but, today he wanted a nice pair of clothes and some cologne when normally he doesn't even know what he's wearing, he never cares enough to do so. But, all of it seemed useless now. It was over. At least, for him.

On the other side of the town, a troubled girl in hassle was telling the cab driver to hurry up as he continued to babble about how jammed the roads are due to the rain. The girl was Florence. She was worried about how he was going to give up on her. She even tried to message him but, it looked like everything was against her, the traffic jam, the weather and even the internet connection. She just slumped back in her seat and put her head in her hands.

"Cheat. Heart-breaker. Fraud."-Niall never thought that he would ever use those words for Florence but, the circumstances were too bad. He blamed himself, he blamed her, he blamed everybody. He has been hurt too many times and he couldn't risk getting his heart broken again. But, he did. He felt incomplete and cheated on. "She kept on leading me just so that she could ditch me one day."-He thought bitterly.

"I would never find happiness in anything. I'm a loner. I lost something I loved. Maybe I never had it. It would just be a dream. A dream too perfect to be true. A life too perfect to be mine."-he sighed in annoyance. He opened up the website on his phone where it all started and typed a message to Florence:

To FlorenceWrites

I could have loved you. I could have given you everything I had. I wish I had known that my emotions are just a game to you.

I'm sorry I fell in love with you.
I'm sorry I spent nights being awake and thinking about you.
I'm sorry I wished for something that I knew would never be mine.
I'm sorry that I was ready to give up anything to be with you while
you just wanted to laugh at the expense of my feelings, my heart, my love.
I'm sorry, Florence Jones.

Just remember, even if this was all a game to you, it wasn't to me. It was the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me.

I would take a lot of time for me to move on since you're all I think about.

I also wanted to say that I had the happiest days when I talked to you. I loved having those funny conversations with you. I loved sending flirty messages to you. I love the way you write, Flora. I hate how I can still say that I love you.

This is probably the longest message I have ever sent you and even the last one.
Thank you for the memories.
I'm sorry I let myself fall for your little tricks.


He closed his eyes and stood while leaning against a pillar. Taking a deep breathe, he looked at all the couples holding hands and walking around happily. "We could have been one them, Flora."

When the cab finally reached the airport, Florence hurriedly paid the driver and didn't even wait to collect the change. She ran all the way to gate 3 while showing the important documents where they were needed to. Before entering, she ran a hand over hair and smoothed her shirt. Whens he entered. Her eyes searched for a blonde boy. Her eyes landed on Niall and another blonde guy. She looked at their outfits and concluded Niall was the person she came to meet. He was looking at his feet when she cleared her throat and said-"Niall?" His head jerked up in surprise as he took in her details-"Brunette? Check. Blue shirt? Check. Jeans? Check. This is my Flora!" "Florence?"-he gasped. He was totally disheartened but, seeing her made him smile widely. She was smiling just as wide as him. He pushed himself forward and put his arms around her. She hugged him back. They were not feeling any sort of uncomfort even though they just met. They stayed in each other's embrace for some time until Florence decided to pull away.

"You're even more beautiful than I imagined you to be."-she blushed and told him that she didn't expect him to have blue eyes and look like a Prince.
"I'm taking you for lunch."-Niall offered. They had lunch at a Fast Food restaurant and he noticed that they both are always up for a good meal. He loved food and seeing Florence having the same type of attitude made him feel like they were destined to be with each other.

"I'm so glad you're mine." -He said as he intertwined his fingers with hers as they took a walk on the beach. "I'm so glad that I was able to be the one you fell in love with. Imagine if it was someone else instead of me."-Florence said. "It would never be, it's just you."-He spoke in a cheesy way, which Florence loves. "Any girl would kill to trade places with me, you know?"-she giggled. "You don't know how lucky I am to have somebody like you."-he smiled.

"Hmm.. listen.. If you see any recent messages from me please ignore them."-Niall frowned. "Why?" "I thought you weren't coming so I ranted..." "You what?" I have to see it now!"-she dug for her phone in her bag whilst Niall protested. Her eyes widened after she read the message. "I'm sorry. I really am."-he murmured. To his surprise, she burst out laughing. "Oh my God, Niall! I'm so sorry, love. It was the traffic jam. I didn't know you would take it so seriously."-she half-smiled. Niall looked embarrassed.

"I love you."-Niall said as he put his arm around her neck and a hand on her cheek. When they were close enough to feel each other's breath on their lips, he decided to close the gap between them by carefully letting his lips brush over hers. It was a gentle, innocent kiss. He slid his hands down to her waist and didn't let it go any further, like the gentleman he was. They shared something that everyone would want to. It was special and that's when he realized how lucky he was to be a logophile; a lover of words.

She might not be all slim and tall with porcelain skin and flawless hair but, she did have a good heart and that's all Niall cared about.


So.. yeah this is it.
I had so much fun writing this.

Thank you for your support, I love you all so much. <3

My twitter- ria17sep

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