Chapter 19

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Dedicated to- Zavie_says, swathygops , LostinFantasy13 , GopsWatty_4


FlorenceWrites: You're not mad at me anymore, are you?

Niall13: I was VERY mad at you.

FlorenceWrites: I'm sorry

Niall13: What made you feel so bad about yourself?

Niall13: Did somebody do that to you?

Niall13: Tell me, I just worked out. I'm ready to break some bones...

FlorenceWrites: No, Niall. It isn't anybody, I just know.

Niall13: Well, you're an idiot for thinking that Flora because I wanna see you and I don't care if you're a freakin Unicorn!

Niall13: I'm not so sure about the last part though...

FlorenceWrites: .......

FlorenceWrites: Haha

FlorenceWrites: Okay, so when would you like to see me?

Niall13: Yeah, now we're gettting to the part I like.

Niall13: Since, we're in two different places and we're far apart, I would consider choosing a place that's comfortable for both of us.

Niall13: I mean I can't come to Australia and you can't come here, to UK but, we can always meet up at a place that's not very far from our countries.

FlorenceWrites: How about Malaysia?

Niall13: Too far..

FlorenceWrites: Russia?

Niall13: Yeah, that's not too far.

FlorenceWrites: Russia would be far for me though but, you know I had to go there next week anyway for some work so, I guess we can meet then.

Niall13: When are you exactly going to Russia?

FlorenceWrites: Tuesday, next week. I would be there till Sunday.

Niall13: Tuesday it is.

FlorenceWrites: Yeah, let's see if we can work this out.

Niall13: :) I'm excited.

FlorenceWrites: So am I. We'll have to plan it although.

Niall13: Let's keep the tough part for tomorrow. ;)

FlorenceWrites: :) Okay


My twitter- ria17sep

Thank you. :)

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