I got on the bus and sat in the back like I always do. Nobody talks to me when I sit back here. Everybody is scared to acknowledge the girl wearing all black that won't look you in the eye and has her headphones in. Whatever, I like it that way anyway. They're not worth my time and effort.
But today thought they would be funny and they would throw a crumpled up paper ball at me. I looked up from the window to see who threw it. Everybody faced forward trying their best not to make eye contact with me. Then I saw someone start giggling. When the bus stopped at its next stop, I got up to confront this person.
"Do you think this is funny?" I asked. It was a guy, a big guy. Bulky, got the varsity jacket on because he still thinks that they're cool, looking at pictures of girls on his phone. A guy nobody wants to deal with. But for some reason he looked terrified when I got to his seat.
"I didn't throw that." He lied.
"Yes you did I saw you laughing." I said lifting a finger. He flinched and put his bag in front of him. Everyone started laughing because nobody would expect someone like him to be scared of me. I turned around to everyone else and they all stopped laughing and the bus went silent. Everyone looked front with their bags in front of them. I'm not that scary. why was everyone so terrified. I went back to my seat and nobody bothered me the whole rest of the bus ride to school. In fact, I think that I fell asleep.