Chapter 5 - Gives You Hell

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*Skye's P.O.V.*

"Hey Monique" I greeted, sitting down on my bed.

"What's up Skye? You seem... off" she replied.

"I feel like everywhere I go, Niall's there. He's been in two of the three classes I've been to so far and he's always popping up all over campus. It's pretty annoying"

"Do you ever feel that you and Niall have kind of switched roles?" Monique asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Niall used to be the angry, scorned one and you used to be the friendly one and now you guys have kind of switched places since he cheated on you"

"Are you saying Niall's happy with Alicia and was miserable with me?" I asked.

"No, but when he was pissed off at Alicia, he still came to her rescue when everyone was laughing at her about the carrot thing. I think he thought he had moved on and was ready to date again, but he actually wasn't"

"Yeah, I think so too. I guess I was just blinded by love"

"You love Niall?"

"Loved. I never got the chance to tell him though" I confessed.

"You still love him, you just don't want to admit it. You're just being angry and stubborn to cover it up just like he did"

"I don't love him" I lied.

"Yes, you do. You are just hiding your emotions so people don't see that you are hurt and so you won't get hurt again. Niall did the exact same thing"

"You should decide to major in psychology, you're really good at reading people"

"It's a gift" she shrugged, before getting up and looking through her clothes.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Vic's frat is throwing a party tonight, I'm deciding what I'm going to wear"

"Another party? They had one last night!"

"That's college life for you" she laughed. "Are you going?"

"I don't know. I kind of want to go and have fun, but I don't want to see Niall and Alicia"

"You don't have to see them. It's a huge house and a huge party, you probably won't even see them"

"Yeah, I probably will because I like his band mates and they'll probably hang out with him"

"Then just be extra flirty with Harry. He likes you, you like him, he's hot and Alicia is a bitch. Niall will totally be jealous and you have Harry to be your new man. It's a win-win" she replied.

"I don't know..."

"C'mon, you can't let a bad breakup keep you from having fun"

"Alright, I'll go"


What's your favorite song on Made In The A.M.? Mine are Never Enough and Temporary Fix.

💋 -TVo

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