Chapter 40 - This Town

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*Skye's P.O.V.*

What the hell did Niall mean? What surprise?

"Skye?" Niall groaned quietly beside me.

A bunch of possibilities were running through my mind. What could it be?

"Skye?" He repeated, shaking my arm to get my attention, making me jump.

"What?" I asked him quietly.

"Can you get me some aspirin, please?" He asked me.

"Of course" I said, kissing his forehead. I got the bottle of aspirin and a glass of water before returning. "Here ya go" I said handing them to him.

"Thanks, Babe" he said. "What were ya thinking about earlier?"

"Nothing" I said, making him nod in response.

"I'm hungry"

"You're always hungry"

"What are we gonna have for breakfast?" He asked me.

"Breakfast? It's one o'clock!" I laughed.


"It's lunchtime"

"I don't care what time it is, I just want food" he shrugged.

"Then let's go get some food"


After we ate, we went back to his room, deciding to have a lazy day.

"You don't have a lot of acoustic songs on here do ya?" Niall said, going through the songs on my iPod so we could listen to music.

"I have a few. Roger Rabbit is a good one" I told him.


"Yeah, I love the way it's written. It's cool how you can sorta get in someone's head with the way their songs are written" I told him.

"Yeah, that's one of the things I love about music"

"Me too. I don't think I could write a song, not a good one anyway"

"I write songs sometimes" he told me.

"Really?! That's so cool! Play me one!"

"I don't know..."

"Please?" I begged.

He groaned, rolling his eyes before getting his guitar.

He started playing his guitar and singing the most beautiful song I've ever heard.

"Oh my god! That song is so beautiful!" I told him after he finished singing.

"Why are you crying?" He chuckled, pulling me into his arms.

"It's a beautiful song! Don't judge me"

"I'm not judging you" he said. "Love, there's something I wanna give you"

"What?" I asked. Is this the surprise he mentioned?

"Hold on, let me get it" he said, getting up to put his guitar away and get a box out of his closet. "This" he continued, handing me the box.

I shot him a confused look.

"Open it" he said. I opened the box to see a ring.

"A ring?"

"A promise ring. I've been thinking about getting you a ring and was actually considering proposing to you, but we're a bit young for that. I figured you'd like something to symbolize commitment so you won't have to worry about me being a dumbass and cheating on you with Alicia again"

"Nialler, you didn't have to do that! You're gonna make me cry again and I just stopped" I said, making him chuckle.

"I wanted to. I was so lucky to be able to call you my girlfriend before, but I fucked up big time. I promise I won't do it again. Thank you so much for giving me a second chonce. I love you"

"I love you too, Nialler. I still have no idea what the fuck a chonce is though" I laughed.

He playfully rolled his eyes at me before putting the ring on my finger.

"Thank you, Niall. I love it"

"I love you, Princess"

"I love you too my prince"


That's the end😭 I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for reading and I'd really appreciate it if you read any other stories I write. I love you guys so much!!

💋 -TVo

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