Chapter 32 - It's All Good

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*Skye's P.O.V.*

"I'm so glad that you've finally come to a soccer game with me" Monique told me.

"Me too. I can't wait to see Niall play! I hope they win!"

"They will. They're an awesome team. They're actually on a winning streak"

"That's so cool!" I replied.

We got our food from the concession stand and sat down on the bleachers, getting ready to watch the game.

Both teams walked on the field and started to warm up.

"Look, there's Niall" I pointed out.

"There's Vic" Monique said.

"Oh my God, did you see that?" I asked her when Niall kicked the ball and hit Harry in the balls.

"Oh my God" we laughed.

Niall walked over to help Harry up, even though he could barely stay standing up from laughing so hard.

After warming up for a while, it was time for the game to start. The bleachers were packed with people and both teams were now talking to their coaches.

Both teams formed a line on the field as the announcer started to speak, asking everyone to rise and turn towards the American flag before someone started singing the National Anthem.

Afterwards, everyone sat down and the teams flipped a coin to see who kicks first.

The referee gestured towards the home team, saying they'd kick first.

"Yes!" Monique replied.

Everyone that was playing got in their positions while the coaches and the rest of the team sat down. The team captain kicked the ball, starting the game.


Everyone cheered when the game was over. Niall and Louis grabbed the large container full of water and poured the water over the coach's head.

Monique and I walked down towards the entrance to the field, waiting to congratulate the boys on their win.

The boys were so excited and when he exited the field, Niall immediately pulled me in for a bone crushing hug.

"Congratulations" I managed.

"Thanks, Love" he replied. "I can't believe we're going to the finals!"

"You guys are going to the finals?" I asked him. Monique didn't tell me that.


"That's so cool!"


"Let's go celebrate!" The team captain said. Everyone made their way over to the frat house to start celebrating.


"It's so loud in here. I don't think I've ever been to a party this wild before" I told Niall.

"I know! It's so crazy" he agreed.

We've been partying for about an hour, but Niall and I have had only one drink.

"I'm kind of getting claustrophobic" I told him.

"Me too. Wanna hang out upstairs instead?"

"Sounds great, let's just hope no one is already in your room"

"I don't share a room with anyone" he replied, confused, not understanding what I meant.

"I meant let's hope no one's fucking in your room" I explained.

"They better not be"

We walked upstairs before walking over to Niall's room. Niall opened the door and we both were relieved to see the room was unoccupied.

We walked over to the bed before sitting down.

"What time is it?" I asked, pulling my shoes off.

"About 2 a.m." He said, looking at his phone.

"Is it cool if I stay here tonight?"

"Of course"

"Thanks Nialler" I said, leaning over and kissing him.

"Anytime Love" he said, pulling me into his lap. "What do you wanna do?"

I shrugged in response. "I'm cold" I told him.

"Here, let's get under the blankets" he said. We crawled in his bed, lying under his blankets, cuddling.

I rolled over on top of him, straddling his waist before we started making out.

"Mmm" he moaned into the kiss before pulling away. "Probably shouldn't do that, Love"

"Why not?"

"'Cause I'm horny enough as it is" he chuckled.


He shot me a confused look.

"I think I may want to-" I started slowly. I was interrupted by Niall rolling on top of me, hovering over me.

"Are you sure?" He asked, still confused.

"Mhmm" I nodded.

"Are you really sure? I don't wanna do anything you're not comfortable with and you've been drinking and-" I pressed my index finger against his lips to shush his rambling.

"I'm sure Nialler"

"Okay, but if you change your mind, just tell me to stop and I promise I will"

"Okay, I love you Nialler"

"I love you too, Princess" he said, kissing me.


I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I had to look something up for this chapter and you can never seem to find something when you need it.

By the way, I'm reeeeeeeally sorry if you've messaged me in the past few months and I haven't responded. Wattpad didn't send me any notifications for some reason, so I had no idea I had any messages. I love you guys and I love talking to you, so I'll start checking my messages more often.😃

💋 -TVo

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