Chapter 15 - All I Want

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*Skye's P.O.V.*

I waited impatiently for Niall to finish getting ready so we could go get lunch. My stomach was rumbling loudly and I was constantly fidgeting.

I finally decided to text Monique.

S: What do I say to get Niall to talk about what happened with Alicia?

M: Tell him that you love him and want to be with him😝

S: No!!!!

M: Why not? You know it's true

S: I'm serious Monique!

M: So am I!

S: I need to know what to say!

M: Just make small talk and slowly start mentioning Alicia

"You ready to go?" Niall asked, appearing beside me.

"Uh, yeah. One second"

S: Sounds good. Gotta go. See ya later!

I got up from couch and we left the frat house.

We rode to the restaurant in silence, occasionally trying to make small talk.

I didn't realize it would be this awkward riding in a car with him. I know we broke up and things didn't exactly end on good terms. We agreed to be civil, but he and I really haven't been alone unless we were giving each other shit or talking about Alicia mentioning the rape.

We walked into the restaurant, waiting to order our food.

"I'm going to order a lot, I haven't eaten all day" I told him.

"Skye! You shouldn't skip meals like that"

"I was busy!" I defended.

"Too busy for food? Impossible!"

"Now I know why you were usually late whenever we'd hang out at my place every weekend"


"So I don't mean more to you than food?"

"No" he honestly replied.

"What about Alicia?"

"What about her?"

"If you had to choose between her and pizza, which would you choo-"

"Pizza!" He interrupted.

"I think you have a food problem" I joked.

"Yeah, there's never enough food for me"

"Maybe you should write a song about that"

"About what?" He asked.

"How there's never enough food for you"

"Maybe I'll do that" he smiled.

"So what's up with you and Alicia?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said you two got into an argument"

"Yeah, we did"

"What happened?"


"Clearly something happened" I stated.

"Why do you care?"

"I was just making conversation"

"Well, I don't wanna talk about it"

"Okay, then we'll talk about something else" I suggested.

"Why would you even bring that up?"

"I was making conversation. Why aren't you dropping it?"

"Because it's none of your damn business! Are you trying to start fights between Alicia and I?!"

"No! Niall, you're overreacting. I was just making conversation. You were the one that mentioned it earlier"

"Bullshit, you hate Alicia and you must still be pissed about the fact that she's the reason we broke up! You want to return the favor!"

"What?! No, you've got it all wrong"

"Bullshit, I'm leaving" he said, starting to leave.


"What?!" He demanded, turning around.

"Are you really going to leave to me here with no ride?" I asked. He sighed before replying.




💋 -TVo

I Want You To Know (Punk/Frat Boy Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now