Chapter Nine

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    Ere pulled away from Cayde's hand, which had ended up resting on her neck in an effort to keep the hair off of her neck. She glanced down the table to where Rian was sitting, only to find his face tilted down towards his hands with a blank look of indifference on his face. She furrowed her brow and looked back to Monica, who had a sort of sad look on her face, like she had expected him to say that but had still hoped otherwise.

    "What are you talking about?" She asked, the silence in the room suddenly stifling her. She felt like she could barely breathe, it was effecting her so much.

    "Let's see, how do I explain just this piece without telling you everything?" Monica closed her eyes, a weariness that Ere had not noticed there now lingering on her angelic face. "How about this. We are a special type of people, and normal people can become one of us if something happens to them. The way that we can tell that they are one of us is that we can feel them, they have the silver eyes that you have probably noticed, and a certain type of mark on our necks. You are one of us, I can feel you, and you have the eyes, but you are missing the mark. We have never seen this before, and so we need to figure out how to make your mark appear, or figure out what is going on. Trust me, we fell just as lost as you do. I'm sorry that I can't tell you more."

    Ere laughed nervously. Surely this woman was trying to pull a trick on her. There was no way that any of what she had just said was true. She looked back and forth from Cayde and Monica, seriously expecting one of them to burst out at any second with something like 'haha, just kidding' or 'we totally had you there, didn't we?' but that never came. They both just stood there, staring at her with the most pity she had ever seen on a pair of faces.

    "So what do you want from me?" She asked finally, in a desperate attempt to both break the silence and figure out what to think.

    "We don't want anything from you, but we were hoping you would let us help you." Monica said, beginning to walk around the table the same way that Cayde had.

    "Fine, just get it over with. I want to go back to my room." Ere whimpered, the foundation of her logical life beginning to crack and break.

    "I'm going to put my hands here," Cayde said, brushing his finger tips against the right side of her neck, "Because that's always where it appears. I'm going to try to put some power into you, because we think you might just be little bit to weak to generate your sign on your own. It may hurt a little, but I need you to keep your mind blank for me, okay?" All of a sudden, Cayde was acting a whole lot nicer to her than he had before. She figured whatever was coming next couldn't be good. She nodded, not trusting herself to open her mouth for fear that the panic building up inside of her would break loose of it's bindings, and she wouldn't be able to get it back inside once it was out.

    Cayde hesitated, giving Monica an uneasy look. She returned it with a small reassuring smile, and he slowly placed both of his cold hands over the side of Ere's throat. Breathe Ere thought to herself, realizing that her lungs were about to explode from lack of oxygen. She looked at Cayde, and he took a deep breath, meeting her gaze for a second before he closed his eyes.

    A white hot pain exploded from where he was touching her on her neck, spreading throughout her entire body. It took her completely by surprise, and she jerked violently under his hands, but found herself unable to actually break contact with him completely. He cried out, his calm face contorting, and drew his hands back suddenly, as though she had burnt him.

    "I said you have to keep your mind blank." He growled at her, "If you don't, your body is going to intercept the energy I'm trying to give you and throw it back out at me, am I clear?" Again, Ere nodded.

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