Chapter Thirty Four

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    Ere awoke to the sound of a piano. She started, sitting up abruptly. The haunting melody that had been playing ceased, trailing off. She looked up to find Gem sitting on the piano bench in front of the piano, his hands still hovering over the keys.

    "Morning." He said simply, pulling the cover back over the piano keys before standing up. She blinked a couple of times, giving her eyes a moment to adjust to the light. Gem stepped silently over to her bed, the beautiful thick carpet beneath his feet muffling the sound of his foot falls.

    "Morning." She mumbled back, yawning and stretching. Her muscles all felt sore, almost like she'd been on a long hike the day before.

    "We have breakfast to go to, if you're hungry." Gem said to her. She took a moment to assess whether or not she felt up to the task of eating, and found that her stomach was growling.

    "Yeah, I think I could stand a little bit of food." She replied, swinging her feet over the edge of the bed and standing up. She looked down to find that she was in one of the night gowns that she had seen hanging in her closet when she had first come. She never wore nightgowns if she could help it, and it left her wondering how she had ended up in one now. Her eyes widened in horror as she realized that Gem must have undressed and redressed her. She suddenly felt very exposed, standing before him in a wispy night gown.

    Gem seemed to misinterpret her widening eyes, and he stepped back.

    "Oh, don't worry about getting your clothes from your old room. Monica and Cayde decided yesterday that it would be a good idea for you to get a new room now that you're officially part of our organization. All of your stuff was moved down here." He told her, motioning towards the door that she had seen the other night. She walked past him, crossing her arms tightly across her chest as she did.

She opened the door to find an even more spacious bathroom than her last lying beyond it, and another door on the adjacent wall that lead to an also up sized walk in closet. The dresser was in the closet instead of in the actual room, and Ere found that all of her things were still in the same drawers as they had been before.

She showered and dressed quickly, choosing a long sleeved black sweater over a plain grey t-shirt and white jeans. She slipped back out of the bathroom, and allowed Gem to take her downstairs for breakfast.

After a meal of eggs and pancakes, they headed back to Ere's room. Gem informed her that she was supposed to be resting for the remainder of the day, and so they had nothing scheduled.

The day flew by as Ere spent her time resting, eating, and reading. She hadn't been able to read since being brought to the castle, but now that she knew there were books available, she put them to good use.

Before long, it was time for dinner.

"Are you feeling good enough for dinner?" Gem asked.

"Sounds fine to me." She responded, looking up from the book that she'd had her nose in all afternoon. She tucked the bookmark in between the pages and stood up off the bed, heading into the bathroom. She changed into an emerald green dress with what looked like diamond patterning and then headed back into the bedroom to go to dinner. Gem looked at her as she walked in, obviously trying to hide a smile. She narrowed her eyes and gave him a look before heading out the door.

She had already turned left to go to the dinning room before she realized that the location of this room was not the same as her old one. Instead of finding a flight of stairs leading her downwards, she found a hallway stretching out before her. She sighed and waited for Gem to step out into the hallway with her. He was still wearing the jeans and t-shirt that he had been wearing all day, and Ere felt a pang of jealousy run through her as she thought longingly of the comfortable sweater she had been wearing all day.

As they headed through the maze of hallways, they were met by Cara, who was dressed in a pale pink strapless number that accentuated her curves and made her look extremely feminine. Her face was layered in makeup, and her hair was pulled back into a perfect bun, which only served to remind Ere that she had completely forgotten to do her hair and makeup. She personally didn't care for things like that, but she knew that it was expected here.

Dinner went well. Steaming plates of mashed potatoes and steak were served, and Ere found herself to be a lot hungrier than she had thought she was.

They headed back to Ere's room after dinner, and after changing into some comfortable pajamas, Ere fell fast asleep.

Hey guys! I know I've been writing a lot of shorter chapters lately, but if I'm assuming correctly then the next chapter should not only be more fun to read and a lot less slow, but it should also be quite a bit longer than these last few. Anyways, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! As always, votes are always appreciated!

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