Chapter Thirty Five

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    The next morning Ere woke up before sunrise. She rolled over onto her back and her foot hit against something resting next to her on the bed. She jerked away from it before turning to find that Gem was passed out right next to her, curled into a tight ball at the foot of the bed.

    She took a deep breath to calm her racing heart, and moved to the edge of the bed. She quietly stood up and padded into the bathroom to shower.

    After she felt clean, she dressed in some comfortable pants and a tank top. She headed back out of the bathroom and found that Gem was still asleep on the bed. She smiled to herself, and went over to sit on the piano bench.

    While she wasn't exactly skilled at playing the piano, her parents had signed her up for lessons before her mother had died. Afterwards, her dad hadn't been able to make enough money to keep the teacher coming, so she had stopped playing a long time ago. She slid her fingers across the keys, not pressing down hard enough for them to make a sound, but just hard enough to feel them shift underneath her fingers. She sighed, wishing that she had retained more of the information that the piano teacher had given her. She wanted to play piano so badly right then. She stood up and walked over to the chair in the corner of the room, where she sat down.

She remained there for around an hour, thinking about her dad and Zo, and how worried they must all be, before she finally heard Gem stirring in the bed. She closed her eyes and leaned back into her chair, both relieved that they could finally do something and annoyed that he had interrupted her train of thought.

A minute later, she heard the door to the bathroom closing, and a few minutes after that, Gem's quiet footsteps signaled his approach.

"Ready to finally see what this life is all about?" He asked her. She opened her eyes and lifted her head, gazing at him with mild confusion.

"I have no clue what you're talking about, but sure." She replied, figuring that he was probably joking.

"Okay. Monica came up while you were asleep and told me that she was sending us on a mission to go kill some of the killed that have been running around and causing problems in Canada. You should probably dress pretty warmly." He said, heading towards the door leading out into the hallway.

"Wait, what?" Ere asked, her head spinning. She had not been expecting him to tell her she was leaving the castle for the first time in what felt like forever.

"Get dressed. We're going to Canada, and I'm going to show you what this life of ours is all about. I have to go grab a change of clothes. I'll be right back." He said, before disappearing into the hallway, leaving Ere no time to ask any more questions.

You've got to be kidding me. She thought to herself, heading towards the bathroom in a daze. Suddenly, she realized that he wasn't joking. She was actually getting to leave the castle. Oh my god I'm actually going to get some fresh air for the first time in forever! She picked up the pace, nearly skipping into the walk in closet.

She grabbed a warm looking sweater and thicker pair of jeans, along with a long sleeve black shirt. She changed quickly and headed back into her room. She stood in the middle of the plush carpet, bouncing on the balls of her feet anxiously waiting for Gem to come back.

Come on come on come on come on come on. She whined to him in her head. He's taking forever.

Something about the promise of finally figuring out why she was here and what this life was all about was exciting to her. By the time Gem made it back into the room, Ere was almost flying off the walls in anticipation.

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