Chapter Thirty Two

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Whether or not you guys liked it (I didn't get any feedback last time) I enjoyed writing chapter twenty eight, the chapter that was about the woman with the dark cloak and the platinum blonde hair. Yeah, that one. So, I'm writing another. And if you guys don't like it, you can suck it up and deal with it because you didn't tell me whether or not you liked it last time. Anyways, enjoy, and as always, leave a like! It really does mean a lot to me!

Ireland is occupied mainly by nature. Standing on the moor, looking out in every direction, the earth stretches as far as the eye can see. The land and water stretches out, giving the viewer a sense of isolation and peace that can be found nowhere else. This sense of peace did not find its way into the mind of the platinum haired woman, though. She sat in the middle of the unoccupied field, gazing straight ahead, the hood of her cloak pulled up over her head to fend off the dank chill that pervaded the air. On the horizon she could barely make out the shoreline, and the water beyond. She watched anxiously as the waves lapped at the shore, not allowing herself to let down her guard.

This is all your fault. We were perfectly happy in that alleyway. One of the voices from before whined in her head, speaking to other in its loud, shrill tone. One of the woman's eyes began to twitch, and she fought off the urge to scream.

I've told you before and I'll tell you again, none of this is my fault! You think I specifically asked to be stuck here with you whining away at me day and night? The other voice screeched back, this time not even bothering to start out arguing quietly.

Well then you wouldn't be here, now would you? The other voice asked, becoming more agitated as their argument continued.

How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not in control of what happens to me? The second voice came again.

Once more please. The other one mocked, sending waves of annoyance off both of them.

"Enough, both of you." The woman spoke up, this time not waiting for their debate to reach its climax. "I'm sick and tired of your screeching. Could you both just shut up?"

She returned to her previous silence, staring off into the horizon again, the nervous tension showing in the rigid set of her shoulders.

A sudden roaring coming from off to her left startled her out of her tense silence. She snapped her head around to face the noise, just in time to see the dark green jeep rumble over the horizon and onto the moor. In one swift movement, she fell to the ground, flattening herself against the dirt to ensure that she wouldn't be seen. Right then did it occur to her that a dark blue cloak wasn't the best decision when you were trying to blend in with the colors of a moor. She watched warily as the jeep rumbled closer, jolting and tilting as it hit uneven patches in the dirt. Finally, it came to a stop not fifteen feet from where she was laying. She pressed her cheek into the ground harder, and watched as the passenger side door of the jeep swung open and two rainbow converse appeared from the interior of the jeep. She could barely make out two working boots hitting the ground on the other side of the jeep before her attention was drawn to the figure attached to the rainbow shoes. A girl stepped out from behind the jeep door, revealing a black haired beauty clothed in all blue except for her shoes.

"Thorn, you said that you were going to take me somewhere cool!" She said, facing in the direction of the men's boots that were now fully on the ground. The woman heard the driver side door of the jeep slam shut before the boots moved towards the front of the car. The rest of the man attached to the boots appeared above the hood of the car, and the woman took a minute to memorize the fine facial features of the blonde-haired blue eyed man she saw before her. Something in his face struck a chord with her emotionally, but she couldn't identify it through the voices, who had begun to shout unintelligibly at each other as soon as the man had appeared.

Suddenly, with a sinking feeling, she realized she was going to do it again, and there was nothing she could do about it. At this realization, the voices in her head stopped their screaming immediately, one sitting in the corner of her mind with anticipation, the other anxiously awaiting the inevitable.

No point in waiting any longer. She thought to herself, able to think clearly for the first time since he had appeared. I might as well get it done and over with. At this thought, she stood up, brushing herself off to get any remaining dirt or grass off of her cloak. The man stretched, seeming not to notice her yet. She took a step towards him and his gaze whipped towards her. He dropped his hands from where he had them above his head to a position right in front of his chest, squaring his feet and protecting himself with his arms as though it were instinct. His eyes showed surprise and suspicion, but there was something else that the woman could see, lurking behind the initial fear and confusion.

Curiosity. She realized suddenly. He's curious. I must be confusing to him.

They remained in a tense silence for a few seconds, before the man's tense posture relaxed and he tilted his head at her. He seemed to be asking her a question with his eyes, one that couldn't be put to words, and she tried her best to answer it with her own gaze.

I'm so sorry, but you're going to die. I'm going to kill you and I don't have any control over that. I can't help myself. Run. Please get back in the jeep and run before I get the chance. I don't want to do this. She pleaded with him silently, the human part of her still begging him to get away before something bad could happen to him. The other part of her was eagerly waiting, knowing in the back of its mind that the man wasn't going to run, that he wasn't going to get away, and realizing with delight that there was nothing she could do to stop herself from killing him.

It's part of who you are now. You are a killer. That's what happened to you when you were killed. You became a killer. The voice hissed to her, unable to keep silent any longer. Tears welled in her eyes, showing her emotions for the first time in years. She couldn't hold it in any longer. She stepped towards him suddenly, and his posture tensed again.

    With inhuman speed, she flew towards him, pushing off her back foot to launch her body at his. In one fluid motion, she had leapt on top of him, knocking him to the ground . His head whipped back, the impact causing it to begin bleeding. There was pure terror in his eyes as she drew a knife from her belt. She only hesitated for a second before plunging it into his throat. His eyes widened, staring up at her in shock and confusion.

    "W- why?" He gurgled, the blood from his wound beginning to drip into his throat. He choked, coughing out a stream of blood onto the grass beside him.

    "W-who are you?" He questioned her again, in the same gurgling whisper as before. He stared up at her, his attempts at breathing sounding like short gasps. His question caught her off guard, and she sucked in a breath of air, flinching away from him. Who was she?

    "I-I'm," She paused, swallowing the tears rising in her throat, "I'm a monster." She whispered before spinning around and sprinting off into the wilderness, leaving the man and his car behind.

Another really fun chapter to write! So sorry for the really long wait guys! It's been really busy. Anyways, here's a new chapter. It may still be really confusing as to who this is and what the hell is going on, but it'll all become clearer really really soon. Thanks for reading!!

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