Looking back now

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Liz's POV

I can't believe it... It's actually been a year since I've last seen Justin. And now I'm here knowing that I'm about to come face to face with someone that I've been dreading to see...

That night, when we went to Justin's special place... Everything changed after that ... If I only had known that it would be the beginning of the end of our friendship, if only I had known it would change my life... 

I would've never tried to get to know him. No, of course not! I could never imagine not meeting Justin. All the things he changed in my life, for better, all the memories we made together It's become a part of me...

I still remember the last time we saw each other. The last thing I ever said to him was that I didn't ever wanted to see him again. But now here I am, back in reality, having to sit right in front of him, having a conversation about what we started a year ago...

I was so in thought with myself that I didn't even notice Scooter and everyone else already come in the meeting room and take a seat.

"You alright, Ellie?" I took a look at Scooter, he wanted this to go well and he knew I didn't feel so comfortable with it. But of course I had to do it for Scooter, so I smiled and nodded, I sat down and took out my phone. Twitter was buzzing about Justin stepping back into the studio, but the people around this table knew that the chances of that being here, at this label, were really little.

Let me fill you in on everything you've missed in a few short sentences. Justin and I were friends but I could help the feeling I got when I was around him. Few thing happened, blablabla and then my grandpa passed... I had a hard time processing his absence and I needed someone to lean on, but Justin was leaning towards his dark side and started hanging out with a different crowd. Words were exchanged, Justin got off the deep end a couple of times and I was sick of it. Before leaving to England to take part in my family's business, Justin and I had a fight and he said if he ever decided to step back into the studio, it wouldn't be with me.

Once again, I was lost in my thoughts... When I looked up from my phone, Scooter was staring at the door and there he stood looking right back at me. 

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