Making Justin happy

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Liz’s POV

Me and Justin have been hanging out for a while now. Scooter keeps asking me if i already started working on new songs with him, but i know that's not what i'm aiming at. I want Justin's friendship and not betray him for my job. And besides, i need to know Justin before i can understand his feelings. That's what i told Scooter as my excuse, nice isn't it?

I was just going through the studio with my StarBucks coffee when something caught my eyes. It was Justin in the studio. His head was facing the ground as his fingers held a notebook.

I carefully laid my coffee on a table and stood in the open glass door.  But Justin didn’t notice me. What i did noticed is a tear fall down his cheeks, he didn’t bother to wipe it away. Man she broke him hard. 

I’m sure he wrote a song, and i’m sure he does it every time he feels down.

But why won’t he show anyone his songs?

Why does he tell everyone he doesn't have any inspiration?

I was so lost in thought and got scared when i heard my ringtone. I jumped away so Justin won’t see me. When i knew i was safe, i looked at my phone to see Justin’s name appear.

Did he call me when he was feeling down?

Okay that’s actually really cute... Shut up Liz and pick up! I chuckled to myself and picked up.

“Hey Justin, what made you call me?” i asked, picking up my coffee from where i set it, walking further.

“I need you right now, you know to talk and stuff... ” he said chuckling fake. Justin you don’t fool me. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. I didn’t answer him and walked back to the studio where Justin was.

“Hello Liz, are you still there?” Justin’s voice asked concerned. I pulled my phone away from my ear and hung up.

Justin’s back was turned to me as i watched him groan and throw his phone away.

“Now now, it’s not your phone’s fault is it?” i said as Justin’s body shot towards me. He looked at me shocked but then happy. Within a second i was wrapped in his arms and a warm hug.

“Hey you did say you needed me. So here i am.” i said and Justin pulled away laughing.

“Yeah i did, but i didn’t think you’d be here. And you got me scared, i thought you hung up on me cause you didn’t want to see me.” Justin said pouting. I laughed and pulled his snapback off of his head and placed it on mine.

“How could i not come when you need me? I’m not a bad friend.” i said and laughed when Justin took his snapback back.

“Hey i liked that snapback.” i said pouting. Justin laughed and took a step closer to me.

His hands were set on my lower back and pulled me back to him, Justin’s other hand reached up to his snapback and pulled it off.

I just watched him.

I’ve read before that Justin never let anyone touch his snapbacks, let stand share. But that magazine got proven wrong cause right now Justin’s snapback was on my head.

“I think it looks good on you.” Justin said smiling at me, i smiled at him too with a little blush, which i tried to hide.

“I thought you didn’t share your snapbacks?” i asked and Justin chuckled. His face moving a bit closer to mine.

“You’re an exception to that.” He said and i blushed again, but this time i think Justin noticed cause he chuckled.

I felt his fingers drop in mine and hold my hand in a soft embrace. “Let me show you something.”Justin said and led me off to somewhere.

Guys i'm so so so sorry! I'm just not good at this schedule thing. I am very sorry. Please don't hate me or something.

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