I met Justin Bieber

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Sorry guys for not updating much, but i've been busy. To make it up to you guys i'll update tomorrow again. (:


Justin's POV

Right now i was with Kenny at the mall. We were just shopping when i saw SnapBack World. I need a new snapback though...

"Hey Kenny i'm going to SB-World."i said and he nodded.

"Okay, i'll be in StarBucks if you need me. Look around Justin, it will do you good." Kenny said and i nodded.Kenny took all the bags from me as i walked into SnapBack World.

I looked around, trying to find a good snapback. I was just in one of the last rows when one snapback caught my eyes. It was a fun one and i liked it, so i went over to it. Plus It was the last one and i wanted it.

But just when i was about to reach for it, another hand wanted to take it too. I looked up to meet the most beautiful pair of blue eyes. Tearing my eyes away from hers, i quickly scanned her down. I had to admit she was beautiful.

"Sorry did you want that?" i asked and she smiled at me.

"Yeah but it's okay if you want it." she said and i shook my head.

"No really it's okay if you want it." i said but she shook her head.

She was about to say something when she looked at the stand. I looked at it too but didn't see the snapback anymore.

I don't know why but i burst out laughing, luckily i wasn't the only one. When i looked in front of me, the girl was laughing along with me. My laughter died softly so i could hear her laugh.

And i was right, her laugh was just as beautiful as she was. Okay Justin stop! You sound like fucking creep! 

"Okay that was stupid of us. We should've taken that snapback, but now someone else has got it." she said and i noticed a cute British accent in her voice. Beautiful and attractive...

"Yeah we should've taken it. Now none of us has it." i said and she smiled at me.

“It’s okay, i’ll look for another snapback.” she said and sighed. “You know how hard it is to find a good snapback for someone who has every single one in the world?” she asked and i chuckled.

“Looking for a birthday gift?” i asked and she nodded.

“And i suck at it, why am i cursed to always forget a birthday till the last day?” she asked and i smiled.

“Don’t worry you’re not the only one, i need to find a present for Scooter too.” i said and she smiled at me.

“If you help me find a gift for my friend, i’ll help you find one for Scooter.” she suggested and i nodded.

“Deal.” i said happily.

“Oh almost forgot...” she said when she was about to turn and look for a snapback. She came back to me and stood in front of me. Her height just a bit smaller then mine. 

“I’m Elizabeth, but my friends call me Liz and mom calls me Lizzy.” she said and i laughed at the extra information she gave me.

“Well nice to meet you Lizzy.” i teased her and she pouted with a smile, “I’m Justin.” i said and she smirked.

“Oh i knew.” she said and turned around her heels.

I watched her walk over to another section, a smile forming on my lips. I think i’m gonna be glad i met her... With the happy thought i ran after her to find her a good present.

Liz's POV

I'm dead once Alex knows i met Justin... She is a Belieber and not just some Belieber, but she's a big one! She would kill me.

Justin's POV

I died of laughter when Liz argued with the cashier. He thought we were together and she took it a bit too seriously. But she was funny when she argued with him.

“Okay Liz that’s enough now, let’s go Kenny is waiting for me.” i said and she looked at me, a sparkle in her eyes as she nodded like a little kid. We payed for everything and got out.

I had to say that i felt much better when i was with Liz. She somehow got a smile on my face for as long as i was with her.

As we walked to the StarBucks, Liz stopped in front of it.

“Thanks Justin, i had a great time.” she said and i looked at the ground.

“Actually i have to thank you, you made me feel a lot better.” i said and i could feel her looking at me.

“So you’re admitting you felt bad when you stepped in the shore?” she asked and i sighed nodding.

“Yeah but you made me feel better.” i said as i looked up at her smiling.

“Justin i understand what you’re going through, i’ve been there too. I’ve had that heartbreak too. Just so you know, you’re not alone.” she said and i looked at her, my smile falling a bit.  But i had to keep it on, even though it was forced right now. I wanted to cry.

“Justin pull that smile off, a genuine smile suits you but not a forced one.” she said as she quickly wiped away the tear that fell from my eyes.  For the first time in my life a girl who doesn’t know me has done so much for me. And for some reason i didn’t want to let er go now.

“Justin if you want to cry it’s okay, no one’s judging you. If you want to scream you do so, just don’t push your feelings down cause it’s not good for your health.” she said and i smiled at her.

“You’ve been through this so why are you smiling?” i asked and she smiled wider.

“Because i know i have my mom who will support me forever. She’s my energy, when i’m down she’ll turn me back up.” she said and i smiled.

“Justin you aren’t alone either, you have Pattie, Kenny, Scooter and your whole fan base who will support you forever. You’re never alone.” she said and pointed at me.

“Are you going?” i asked not wanting to change the subject, but wanting her to stay longer with me. She was something special.

“Yeah, mom is waiting for me.” she said and i sighed.

“Could we meet again? like hang out or something?” i asked looking at the ground.  But when i heard her chuckle, i looked up again.

“Give me your phone.” she said and i did. I watched her type it away and then return it to me.

“Now you have my number. Call me when you’re feeling down cause now you’ve got a friend who is willing to help you.” she said and smiled.

I smiled and laid my bags on the ground to hug her. When i wanted to pull away, Liz stopped me.

“Wait.” she said and hugged me once more.

“Okay now we’re done.” she said and smiled innocently at me, “Just to save the memory, mom always says that a good memory is made by long moments. So a longer hug would be enough.” she said and i smiled.

She was really careless and carefree. That’s what i liked about her and that’s what made me laugh all the time.  She didn’t care what people said of her, if she wanted to run around screaming and laughing she’d do it.


So what do you guys think of Liz? Will Justin and Liz be good friends?

Anyways, i hope you guys don't hate me for updating late. I'm VERY VERY sorry. I just want you to like this fanfic.

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