What's happening?

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Liz's Pov

I sighed, it was unbelieveble how the stars were shining so bright. Justin and I both laid down on the cold grass in a long silence. But one question was still running through my mind.

Justin was really sad when he called me and he wanted to take me here. But he didn't even tell me what he was so sad about.

So I turned to my side and looked at Justin. But then I noticed the frown on his face as he looked at the stars. It was like he was deep in thoughts and didn't even realize a tear roll down.

I reached out and wiped it away, causing his head to suddenly snap at me. At first he was confused, and then he shot up and buried his face in his hands. I sat up and placed my hand on his shoulder. "It's alright Justin." I said and Justin looked up at me and sighed. "No it's not like that." he said and laid back down, his fingers running through his hair.

I sighed and straddled him, my both legs on each side of him as I leaned over him letting my hair loose in the wind. Justin sighed and looked at me. "Tell me what it is bothering you."

Justin smiled and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear and sat up, making me sit up on him. "Is it normal for me to feel like you take my worries away?" he said as he took my hand in his and entwined our fingers. "I mean when I called you I was thinking of getting away, somewhere out where I can have a breath and we can talk. But then I forgot because I saw you smile. And now you're doing it again."he said and I smiled. "What can I do about it? That's who I am." I said and Justin laughed.

Seeing him finally smiling after such a long day is amazing. People should see that his smile can litterly light up a whole room. I smiled too and tangled one of my hand in his hair, my fingers playing with it.

"As much as I don't want to be the reason of your smile fade... Justin you have to tell me what's wrong?"I asked and he sighed. He looked down at our fingers. He frowned and then looked back up at me.

"Do you want to know everything that has gone wrong today?" He asked and I sighed. "How about you start off with the main thing that got you upset." I said and he sighed but nodded even though he looked upset about it. But he stayed silent for a long time, maybe he was just thinking of a way to start this.


What do you think he's about to tell her? And I hope I didn't let you guys wait to long again. If I did I'm very sorry

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