Bound By Blood: 2. Horrifying Detention

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I get off of the bus, the sun slowly rising in the chill morning. After what happen last night, I couldn't get much sleep. So of course this morning I am very moody. I and half of the school from other buses squish through the main doors. I turn left to a hallway and go to my locker.

I take off my coat and toss in my locker while grabbing some books that I need for my classes.

"Boo!" Someone shouts, grabbing my shoulders which makes me let out a yelp. I turn around quickly and Madison, my best friend starts cracking up. Some vampires around us complain while passing by saying that I was loud. I roll my eyes as I turn back to face my locker.

"Not funny." I sigh and Madison leans against the lockers besides me.

"Someone isn't in a good mood." She says as I frown at her. "What's the matter?"

"I couldn't sleep last night." I say to her, shutting my locker and walking with her down the hall.

"Why not?" I wasn't going to tell Madison what happen so I just shrug.

"Just a bad night I guess."

"True, Mason wouldn't stop crying and mom made me stay up and watch him." Mason is her baby brother which is odd from having so many years apart. Well her mom was very young when she had Madison and Mason isn't her only younger sibling. She has three more.

"That sucks."

"I guess." She replies and the bell rings for first period. "I guess I'll see you during lunch."

"Yeah, bye." I say as she hurries the other way so she won't be late. I walk in my classroom and the first thing that I eye is the vampire girl from yesterday who just stares at me. My heart thumps wildly and every vampire in this room could probably hear it but I just ignore it. I sit at my usual seat and I hope this day will go by fast.

I watched students walk in my eighth period class, my last class of the day. My hands are shaking and I feel like my knees are going to collapse on me. Now I remember his name. The vampire in my Physics class. Dylan. When he saw me walking in a smile was pressed on his lips. I see his bottom lip pointed a little, showing that his fangs are out.

I slide in my seat while my teacher Mr. Cervini gets up from his desk and hands out a worksheet.

"Good afternoon boys and girls, the sheet I am handing out to you is today's work. Hand it in at the end of class for a grade and the answers are in the notes we took yesterday." He says, glaring up at each and one of us then heading back to his desk.

"Can we work with a partner?" I hear a girl ask who was sitting in the front and Mr. Cervini sighs.

"Okay, but if only you all actually work." A group of people cheer as desks began to move and people began to chat. I look down at the worksheet and I start doing question 1 until something bangs against my desk. While I was writing a word down, my pencil stutters and it crosses over my page, a groan escaping my lips.

"Oops, did I do that?" A familiar voice says and I look up at the person. Dylan is smiling down at me and I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. He sits down at the desk he moved next to me and he flips through his notebook to find the notes.

"What do you want?" I ask and he glances at me harsh.

"We can't be partners?"

"Um, no."

"Well, we should because you owe me something."

"For what?" I move my head back so I won't be that close to him.

"For getting blood all over my car." He says through gritted teeth and I inhale a sharp breath, placing my hands over my heart.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. I should have cleaned it up for you except your lazy ass doing it." I say sarcastically and Dylan watches me disgusted. I grin, pinching his cheek then giving it a soft slap. He doesn't flinch at all when I do it but his eyes narrow down at me. "That's life, get over it." I mutter to him and I pick up my pencil, erasing the line I did because of him. From the corner of my eye, I see him clench his jaw then release it.

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