Bound By Blood: 40. Letting Go

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Xavier's POV:

I trail kisses down her neck and she lets out a moan. Her hot skin is radiating against mine and it feels so good. She leans her head back on the pillow to give me more access to her neck. I bring her skin between my lips as I suck on it. I feel her pulse below her skin, my mouth watering.

This is the twelfth girl I have brought home this week to distract myself. To get everything off my mind. It's not that hard finding a girl who will die to be with me or Alexander. They just drool right on our shoes. Being in the Royal family is a big thing in this world. We corrupted the human government and took over.

Her name is something like Terry or Tessie. I don't know and I don't care. I feel her hands running through my sleepy hair while I bring mine under her shirt and place them on her bare waist. My fangs slip out of my gums pulsing for blood.

I graze my fangs over her beating pulse, I can feel her blood run quickly through her veins. Her heart beats rapidly below me and it makes me feel strong towards my prey.

"Are you going to bite me?" She asks and I pause at her neck, licking her skin.

"Mhm." I muffle from my throat and I look in her green sharp eyes.

"Is it going to hurt?" She asks me and I shake my head. Out of the eleven girls before her, I killed six. After finishing them up, I put their dead body in front of my bedroom door, scaring the maids and eventually having to clean the mess. Pretty funny hearing and seeing their reactions but not my parents. They are embarrassed at my act. I don't care.

She tries to be comfortable below me and I bring my head back to her neck. I don't hesitate biting down, a wince coming out of her lips. At least she didn't scream like girl number three. Her blood is sour and tastes like alcohol. It's warm so I'm not going to argue. I feel my predatory instincts hit in and I bite down harder, hunger following.

Her heart starts to slow telling me that she is going to die soon. Suddenly, my bedroom door opens and I pull away from her neck. The girl is petrified and tears are streaming down her cheeks. I get off of her and Alexander is standing there with his mouth agape.

The girl gets up and runs out of my room and past Alexander. He doesn't say anything except shut the door behind him as I get up and I walk to the window. I wipe my mouth, licking the blood away and looking out at the sun.

"Do you know that she is bleeding and running in a house full with vampires?" Alex says behind me as I shrug, not bothering to turn around.

"I don't care, she should have knew and cleaned herself up before leaving this room." I pause and a smile spreads on my lips. "Now she's going to get eaten." I add and Alex sighs. Silence is in the room but I hear Alex walking around behind me. Maybe in circles.

"I have something to tell you." He finally speaks up and I roll my eyes, looking down at the garden where two maids are cleaning.

"If it's not about our family, then I don't care." I reply back.

"But I think you would want to know about this."

"No I don't."

"Diana is in the hospital." Alex quickly says and I feel like someone just slapped me in the face. I clench my jaw and my hands curl into fists.

"What?" I say, finally turning around to him and his face looks like he's in pain.

"Mother and father just told me. She was sent yesterday at night." I turn back towards the window, the sun beating down on me.

"I don't care." It was hard saying it and Alex sighs.

"Stop with this bullshit, Xavier. You do care, I hear your heart racing." He's right.

"Yeah but don't you realize that she ruined my life by making me age like a human?"

"Stop complaining Xavier, shit happens to everyone. Diana didn't know better! She got sucked in this fucked up life and didn't know anything about the Prophecy! She was forced and from this whole time being here she did fall for you Xavier! You just pushed her away."

"No!" I scream and he takes a step back. "Now I have to wake up everyday knowing that I am aging and you guys will watch me age and die. You all will be at my funeral in a couple of years." My voice shakes and tears fill in my eyes. "I can't manage to think that, Alex. I am admitting it now, I am scared. Scared to know that I will be so old meanwhile my parents are still young and full with energy."

"It wasn't a curse on you, Xavier. You don't deserve it because you did something bad in life. It was for you to have a family with Diana happily."

"Well now it's over."

"No it's not! You are damn lucky that she is breathing because they could have found her dead at the scene."

"What happen?" My voice is soft and Alex looks down at the ground, shrugging.

"I don't know, she was at the school's Prom party and apparently some kids stabbed her and left her in a pool to drown. I don't know how she managed to survive but some students found her in the water." Anger fills in my body and I want to erupt. I want to know who these kids were and kill them. I will kill anyone who gets in my way to her and to the maniac who did this.

"I can't see her, she wouldn't want to see me after what I have put her through." Actually, I don't want to see her. In the hospital weak and lonely, I will want to hurt myself for doing this to her.

"Whatever your decision is Xavier, but I'm gonna go see her." I look in his pale blue eyes and he turns to the door. "It was her birthday on Thursday too."


"Yeah, she was alone celebrating it. I surprised her and stayed with her. But I wasn't suppose to be there with her... you were." He doesn't say anything else except leave my room and I let him. Bile forms in my throat and it hurts so much I can't swallow. I lose balance on my feet and I fall to the ground. I hurt her. I almost killed her.

I bring my knees to my face and I run my hands through my hair. I'm so selfish and it's all my fault. I close my eyes and free tears run down my face.

I want to hold her.

I want to call her mine.

I want to feel her in my arms.

I want to see her again, my Diana Wilson.

This is one of my favorite chapters ever! So much emotion!



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