Bound By Blood: 31. Moving Out

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A/N: please go read Holding On by staystrong014 . I don't read Teen Fiction books that much on wattpad but this one is amazing!

I run back home after bumping into Dylan and my parents were sitting on the couch together worried about me.

"Where did you go?" Mom asks me when I come through the hall towards the living room. I go in the living room and I come to face with them when they get up from the couch.

"I went down the block, not far." I admit and silence consumes us. The back of my neck is sweating because I feel like I'm bringing harm to my family. Who knows if Dylan still followed me and is right at my front door. "I'm going to move out." I add and my mother snaps her eyes to me.

"No, you are going nowhere. And if you did, where on Earth would you go?"

"To our second house." I say and dad looks up to me. Our second house it about twenty minutes away, on the other side of town. We have it for emergencies, if we ever get in danger and we go to stay there and hide. The last time I went there was before the death of my unborn sister.

"No, that's only for emergencies."

"And this is an emergency. I'm coming back home and I don't know if anyone wants me dead who knows about the Prophecy and thinks I am the human. I don't want to put your lives in danger, especially the baby." When I say that, mom smothers her hands around her small bloated belly.

"Still, no." Mom says and I sigh annoyed.

"You can go." Dad adds right away when mom says no.

"She can't! She will get herself killed!"

"But I am not losing this unborn child and you again just like you did for all those years!" He screamed back which shut mom's mouth. Dad's head turns to me and he nods his head. "I will drive you to the house tonight. Pack your bags and I'll be in the car." He heads to the kitchen and grabs his car keys and a pair of other keys which was the other house's. The door slams shut and I jump from the noise.

"I'm sorry mom but I need time alone. A lot has happen to me and I can't have this either." I point at her belly while she holds onto it. I know she wants to say something, something that will change my mind. I didn't need other things from my room because I didn't even unpack my bag from the mansion. I grabbed my duffle bag and walked out of the door before mom can stop me.

The ride to the house was silent and the only thing dad was doing was tapping his fingers against the wheel. I was looking out the window and playing with the end of my sweater. He finally pulls up the driveway to a small house and I feel a bit nervous. I don't know why.

"Here are the keys. There probably isn't no food so here's money to go buy some." He hands me a stack of hundreds and I grip onto it tight. "Always lock the door and windows. You can go to school tomorrow because this whole time you have been excused but if you don't, take your time." I nod, forgetting that it's Tuesday. I open the door and I look around in the darkness. The houses are far apart from each other. Giving us some privacy. I hold onto my bag and I slam the door shut, my dad still on the driveway and waiting until I fully went inside the house.

My hands are trembling while I'm trying to open the door and I finally do. I see dad's car headlights move which means he was backing out of the driveway. I shut the door behind me and I place my bag in the hallway. I lock the door and I slowly walk in the dark house. It smells like my mother and it makes me shutter. I find the kitchen light and I flick it on.

Everything looks the same since the accident. Just a bit curious, I open the refrigerator and nothing is in there. One cabinet is full with cookies and chips but they probably have expired by now. I sigh in sadness because I'm hungry. I walk around the small house, the bathroom, living room, and up the small flight of stairs to the bedrooms. One room for my parents and the other one down the hall that's mine. Some of the things I have done in this house is in my room, drawings hung up on the wall.

I give out a soft smile as I look at them, forgetting that they are here. Eventually, happiness washes out of me and I frown. I go back downstairs and I grab my duffle bag, walking back up to take a shower. I shut the door and I strip down, hopping in the tub. The hot water sooths me as I take a deep breath. I wash my hair than I clean my body.

Pathetic human

Stubborn bitch

I squeeze my eyes shut so I don't cry. I can't help but say it. I miss him. He was the only person who would make me afraid and excited at the same time. Make my heart race at a pace that has never happen, even when I played sports. And his eyes, dark and a mystery. The only problem with him was misery. He was alone all these years and thinking of the Prophecy everyday in his life hurt him. He didn't want this to happen at all.

I cover my mouth so a sob doesn't escape. I shouldn't be those girls who would die for a boy. He said things he meant to say and it wasn't a lie. He meant it. There is no going back. The threat and the verbal words of calling me a pathetic human and stubborn bitch. I have never been called those at all and the boy I thought I was falling for said it.

I eventually get out of the shower when the water became cold and I change into my pajamas. There was nothing to do and watching television wasn't going to get things off my mind so I went in my bedroom. I plop on my bed and I slide under the blankets and I turn to my side. I stare at the wall until I fall in a deep sleep.

"Diana." His voice is soft in my ears like a hum. "Diana look at me." I'm laying on my bed when I open my eyes but that's not the only thing I realize. I come to face with electric blue eyes. I gasp in shock because Xavier is frowning down on me, hovering above my body. He is leaning up a bit so his body isn't crushing mine and his elbows resting on each side of my head.

"Xavier?" I ask and he gives me a grin. I feel his fingers massaging my hair, twirling the strands around. It feels good and I let out a sigh. I like his presence near me. I miss him near me. His hot breath is hitting my face and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I'm here, Diana. You aren't alone." He whispers to me while I play with his hair behind his head.

"Don't leave me again." I cry, pulling him down to me and hugging him tightly. His arms warp around my body and he pulls me close to him. We are radiating heat, our body's so warm.

"I won't, baby. You are my mate and I can't leave you." He says in the crock of my neck as I shiver in delight. He lifts himself up again and we become nose-to-nose, our breathing evening out the same time. Finally with anticipation, we both move our heads together and our lips meet. It's sweet and short when I pull away. I hesitate for a bit because my mind is running like crazy but my heat is in pain. Should I be kissing him?

He lightly grazes his lips over mine again and I let him nibble on my bottom lip. My body was tingling with excitement when his hands went under my shirt and skimming up to my ribs and bra. I lift my body off the bed, pressing it against his and he lets out a groan. I pull away from his lips and mine feel swollen from kissing him too much. I take a deep breath because I was having trouble breathing and he brings his head down to my neck. I bring my head back to the pillow, giving him more access. He starts to nibble and suck on my skin as I let out a pleasurable moan.

I shoot up out of bed and I lift myself up quickly. The darkness engulfs me and I let out a groan because my head spins from getting up so quickly. I look at the clock hung up on my wall and it's the middle of the night. I run my hand though my hair and my flesh is moist. Was I really dreaming of Xavier and I making out? After what just happened to me when I left the mansion? I'm going mad. Yeah right, I'm skipping school tomorrow because I have to recollect my thoughts.

Hello my favorite people!! Here is a new update and I will update soon. So this week I don't have school because it's regents week and I don't have to take any regents! Anyways, but I do have to go to basketball practice. It's a killer, trust me. :"(



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