Bound By Blood: 46. The Angles Have Fallen

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"I don't want to start anything." Alexander protests with his arms in the air. "Just give me Diana and we'll go our own way. Let's end this long game."

"Game? Now this is a game? This has never been a game. I just want to show Xavier over here that the Prophecy doesn't deserve to live on." He pauses while turning me to face Xavier. He's still on his knees helplessly with his head up high looking at us. "She is human, an animal to us. We prey on them and kill them for survival. We are the monsters that hunt them down, not live with them."

I feel Mr. Walsh bent down his head to my neck, tilting my head to the side. My heart beat quickens when he presses his lips on my skin.

"You shouldn't be talking like that. You once were a human."

"But I like how I am now, a vampire and witch." Juliet looks at Alexander with confusion but Alexander looked surprised also.

"A vampire and witch?" Juliet bumps in and Mr. Walsh pulls away from my neck.

"Yes, how hard is it to comprehend that?"

"Because you are a fucking abomination in this world!" Xavier shouts and Mr. Walsh chuckles.

"I am the most powerful creature in the world. I'm just shocked that even when I became a vampire they let me keep my powers because even when every witch died, they thought I will still try and save humanity with the Prophecy."

"Then let's do it! Why don't you want to do it?" Alexander asks him and he sighs.

"Because I want everyone to know that vampires are the top. Humans are just slaves who live beside us meanwhile they are suppose to live below us." He grabs my neck and pulls my head further back while a wince escapes my lips. "We feed on them, not fall in love with them." All of a sudden, his fangs sink in my neck and I scream in pain until he covers my mouth. Muffles escape and tears spring out of my eyes. Finally, he pulls away and my head falls forward limb.

"I've been waiting to do that." He whispers while licking the remains on his lips away. I lift my now heavy head to see the Dagger siblings. I see Juliet on her toes ready to spring into action but before she does, Dylan comes from the front door with vampire speed and holds her in a headlock. Alexander snarls at Dylan and goes to attack him but Mr. Walsh uses his powers and pushes him back.

Alexander slams to the nearest wall and Mr. Wash whispers stuff in Latin and a near by wooden chair lands upside down and one of the legs rip off. It flies across the room until it lands in Mr. Walsh's hand.

"I don't give a fuck now that I lose my powers." Xavier cries, begging to don't do it. Dylan and Juliet watch, her eyes pleading and a grin on Dylan's face. He spins me around so I face Mr. Walsh, a large smile on his face. I squeeze my eyes shut ready to feel the pain. I guess this is how it will really end.

Everything happens in slow motion when I hear Xavier scream no. I pair of large arms grab me and I know it's not Mr. Walsh's. A quick breeze brushes past my face like I have been spun around. I hear a sickening rip of flesh but it's not on me. I don't feel pain or the draw of blood running down my skin. I open my eyes and I'm staring at Juliet who is trying to get out of Dylan's grip. She is crying and screaming. She collapses onto her knees and Xavier is still on the floor, his mouth open with shock.

The grip on my arms let go of me and I slowly turn around, swallowing the lump that has formed in my throat. I cover my mouth with my hands while tears form in my eyes. Alexander is in front of me, his eyes pale and glossy. The stake is right through his chest, blood all over it. I feel like I'm deaf but Juliet's screams are still behind me. He is still trying to gasp for air while Mr. Walsh doesn't hesitate but twist the stake in his chest. He just saved me, so I can survive. So a human can live.

I felt like I was staring at him for hours, the life escaping his body. Mr. Walsh pulls the stake out and Alexander falls on his knees until he hits the ground fully. I look down at him while the stake falls beside him. Alexander is dead. He can't be, no this is fake. Juliet screams in rage, grabbing Dylan and twisting his arm over until you heard a crack. He yelps in pain while she punches him in the face. He stumbles back and Juliet runs towards Mr. Walsh.

He sticks his hand out and Juliet stops suddenly in fright if he's going to do something with his powers. But nothing happens to her. He talks in Latin but nothing happens. A smirk forms on Juliet's face and abruptly, Xavier gets up from sitting on his knees.

"Your powers are gone."

"Impossible, I didn't kill you or her."

"But Alex was family, part of the brother who is in this Prophecy." Mr. Walsh curses in rage and Juliet lunges towards him. He falls on his back with Juliet straddled on him, punching him in the face.

"Dylan! Kill the Dagger girl!" Mr. Walsh shouts through the punches and Xavier makes eye contact with Dylan. Dylan runs to the stake that is next to Alexander's body and Xavier runs to it too like they are having a competition. Xavier slides on the ground and past the stake, grabbing it with him while he slides off. He gets back up and Dylan opens his mouth because he doesn't know what to do.

Mr. Walsh grabs Juliet and flips her over, smashing her skull against the concrete ground. Blood pools through her cracked skull and she moans in agony. Mr. Walsh gets up and Dylan goes to Juliet, leaning down at her body. I run to her, to push Dylan aside but Mr. Walsh pushes me away with vampire speed and I collapse onto a table near the doors. There was four candles lit on the table but now that they collapsed onto the ground, it is spreading a wild fire. There is no way out.

Dylan lifts his arm up in the air and Xavier runs to him at the same time. He shoves the stake through his chest, right through his heart.

But it was too late.

Dylan brings his hand through Juliet's chest, her bones and flesh ripping and cracking. He grabs a hold on her heart but Juliet's breath was hitching. Xavier rams the stake through his chest, blood splattering along his face. When he did, Dylan twists his hand that is in Juliet's chest and she lets out a gasp.

Her last breath.

Mr. Walsh pushes him away and he slides on the floor screaming that Juliet is dead also. The girl that has been by my side this whole time. Who was giving me support and telling me that everything was going to be fine. She is dead. Dylan falls beside her dead too while the fire next to me spreads. Mr. Walsh's face scrunches up in anger through the flames and Xavier runs to me, his face wet with blood and tears.

"Diana, we need to leave now." He cries while I nod, both of us running up the stairs.






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