♣Chapter 9 (UNEDITED)

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A/N: Ready for the emotions to come full force?

"Hold on to me okay?" I told the two children softly as they nodded before I wrapped my arms around their waists. I flew up into the air before I softly landed on the lifeboat and gave them to their parents. I smiled as they thanked me before I walked away. I flew to the others as Natasha walked over to me.

"You look good" she commented "I can see why Maximoff likes you"


"This is the drill. If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose." Tony told us as Ultron flew to us. Wanda took in front of me protectively as Thor took a step forward.

"Is that the best you can do?" Thor asked before Ultron lifted one hand in the air. Millions of him were all around us. I turned to Thor as he looked at me

"You had to ask" I sighed softly

"This is the best I can do.This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?" Ultron asked

"Like the old man said. Together." Tony said before I smirked.

"Lets kick some ass!" I yelled before Natasha playfully glared at me.

"Bad word" she scolded before Steve sighed

"My bad"

Quick as a shadow, I flew up into the air and fought with 6 robots at a time before my eyes began to glow a red color. The melted at my sight before they fell to the ground. 

"I can do this all day" I said as I punched a robot in the face before  flew through Wanda's fight "Hey"

"Hey" she said sweetly as she used her powers making me blush slightly before I flew into the air and help 4 more children in the lifeboat when sometime caught my eye. Clint was holding a small little boy in his arms. Shoots were fired into the ground in the direction they were at. Clint was getting ready for impact when Pietro stood in front of them and pushed them  out of the way. I knew I had no other..choice...Without thinking I ran to Pietro and pushed him to where Clint and the boy were. Bullets went through my body and I screamed in pain.

I stumbled as Pietro and Clint looked at me in shock.

"Astrid..." Clint said in shock. I looked at him and gave him a soft smile filled with emotion as I let out a small tear.

"You...would...do...the...same...for...me...." I breathed out weakly before I collapsed to the ground and closed my eyes accepting fate for me..


All Wanda felt was her scream and pain through her body. She felt her light disappear before Wanda's eyes were filled with tears.  She let out a high pitched scream filled with pain as she collapsed on her knees. Her powers out of control as they destroyed every single robot that surrounded her. She felt rage at Ultron and she was gonna end him...For Astrid...She walked over to Ultron who was collapsed on the ground inside of a jet.

"Wanda..." he gasped out "If you stay here..you'll die.."

She went down to his level. Tears were down her cheeks but her face showed anger.

"I just did" She said, her voice not filled with emotion as she spoke to him. She didnt fill any emotion towards him "You want to know how it felt?"

Without a second thought Wanda raised her hand as she ripped Ultron's heart out from his chest like in OUAT when Regina did it. She looked at it as Ultron went silent. She looked at his dead form.

"It felt like like" she hissed out


"Shes alive" Pietro said as he touched her pulse and felt it...just barely...

"Get her to the lifeboat" Steve ordered as Pietro picked up Astrid in her arms and ran towards the life boat knowing that every second counts. Wanda went in the lifeboat soon after and covered her mouth as she saw Astrid. She touched her pale cheek.

"Your gonna be okay...Your gonna be okay...Were gonna make you okay..."

A/N: AWWW THIS CHAPTER MADE ME CRYYYYY. I wanted to make Pietro alive I mean...Who wouldnt?!

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