Chapter 7

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Tonio POV

Jaila slapped me and I punched her in her face. She fixed her clothes and ran out the room. I didnt run behind her I just fixed the covers on the bed. Then I walked out the room and she wasn't here. I didn't care because I thought she was going to come back. I went to the bathroom and took me a shower. I got out and went straight to bed.

Rakir POV

I was at home alone, sleeping, & I heard my phone ringing. I took it off the charger and I answered it. It was Jaila calling me.

Me: Hel-

Jai: Rakir? *sniff*

Me: Yea wassup what's wrong ma?

Jai: Tonio- he hit me *sniff, sniff*

Me: Oh damn. Do you need somewhere to stay?

Jai: Yes! I can't stand to be in this house with him anymore!

Me: ok Jai how about this, You go stay with Lia and I'll be down there tomorrow?

Jai: ok

Me: Alright i love you be safe and dont worry

Jai: Love you too bye

*hangs up*

I tried going back to sleep, but I couldn't get it off my mind that my ex was in trouble. It just didn't feel right that she wasn't safe. She's out there terrified and scared. I packed up me some bags and left my house. I doubt I'll ever be back.

*The next morning*

Anthony POV

When I woke up, Lia was turned the other way, with her back facing me.

"Baby" i said softly waking her up

"Hmmm!" she said back and pushed my hand off her.

I guess she wanted to be alone. I got up to use the bathroom and I washed my face and brush my teeth. I went to the kitchen and started looking for something to eat. I took out me some hot pockets and heated those up and ate them. I heard feet and i look and seen Lia walking into the kitchen rubbing her eyes.

I didn't say anything to her. I wanted to wait till she said something to me.

"You not cooking?" she said squinting her eyes at me


"Where were you last night because last time I remembered I didn't fall asleep with you in bed with me" she asked blocking my way out

"I was out with the men"

She stood there for an extra 20 seconds giving me a death look.

"Doing wha-" she heard Lexi crying and went to the back to get her.

I finished eating my hot pockets and went into the room. Lia came in after me rocking Lexi. As she was rocking her back and forth pacing around the room I was just watching her.

"What" she whispered

"I really wish he ain't rape you" i said looking down. I could feel her staring at me.

She walked out the room and came back storming in.

"What happened to me happened on purpose. You know damn well I didn't want to have his baby. You know damn well I didn't want to get pregnant by him in the first place. I don't ever want you to bring it back up again" She told me pointing a finger in my face

All I said was ok. I went to the bathroom and took me a shower and got ready for work.

Tonio POV

When I woke up something was wet in my bed. I look down and my pants were wet. I peed on myself. I really don't remember much that happened last night. but I do remember Jai leaving the house. I went to the bathroom and took me a shower. I got out and put on some boxers. Nobody is here but me so I guess this is all I'll wear.

I went to the kitchen and fixed me a bowl of lucky charms. I really did need some good luck in my life. When I got done eating I went to the living room and watched TV. There was nothing to do all day. I was so bored.

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