Chapter 21

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Jaila POV

I was sitting in the playpen with Levi, then Rakir walked in the room talking about he's about to go run a few errands. I said okay because I knew he was lying. He's probably going to go to somebody's house or something

I got up with Levi and we went to the kitchen to find him a snack. I sat Levi in his high chair and let him play with a few of his toys.

I made Levi a sandwich and took it to him.

He took it apart and ate the pieces separately. He looked so cute.

Rakir POV

The reason I left the house was because I got a call from Melissa. She told me to meet her at her house. Jai didn't seem too interested in about where I was going.

Anyways, I pulled into Melissa's driveway. I parked my car, got out, and knocked on the door. Melissa answered wearing a spaghetti strap t-shirt and some long baggy pajama pants.

"I'm glad you came Rakir" she said
"I'm surprised i even made it here" I said looking around the living room.
"Why am I here? " i asked Melissa
"I just wanted to say that I still love you." She said

"Man Melissa you brought me all the way over here just so you can say you love me? You could have told me this over the phone or somethin'-"

"I know Rakir don't be upset, but I don't love you the way you think I love you" She said

"What you mean?"
"I want sex Rakir" she whispered in my ear
"Hell no you have a husband and-"
"No I don't" she said cutting me off

"And you have a baby"
"Rakir those things don't matter to you does it?" she said rubbing on my shoulders

"Hell yes it matters to me, you're not about to have your husband come looking for me because you want some dick- know what I'm out" I said walking out the front door

She didn't say another word after I left. I can't get away from these hoes. I stopped at Wow Wings and got me and Jai some food. I got home and Jai was sitting down on the couch in the living room while Levi was in the dining room in his high chair alone.

"Jaila why did you leave Levi in there alone?"

"Im tired baby" she said reaching for my arm.

I dodged her and got Levi out of his high chair and took him to the nursery room. I changed his diaper and rocked him to sleep.

I walked in the kitchen and jaila tearing up the wings I bought

"You didn't even ask who's wings those are you just dug your dirty fingers in there didn't you?"

"Im sorry are these someone's wings?" she asked freezing like a deer in headlights

"Nope they're your wings now"

I got the plate of wings that she didn't open and ate those. We had a small little conversation while we were eating, after that i cleaned up and I went to my room to take a nap. Jai went back to the couch and watched TV.

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