Chapter 22

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Tonio's POV

Day Day and Diana left since Charity was getting on their nerves. They didn't stay here for long anyways.

I was in my room chilling watching TV and then Charity came in.

"Im hungry" she said

"You always come here and bother me on my chill time about you being hungry. Did you even think about going into the kitchen and finding you something to eat?" I said getting frustrated

"Well I'm sorry I just don't want to eat up the wrong thing. You already don't take care of me around here" she said

"Yes i do and the baby in your stomach. If I wasn't taking care of you, you wouldnt be under my roof"

"Okay whatever" she walked out the room closing the door.

I got up out my bed because I heard a shatter. I went to the kitchen and saw glass everywhere scattered across the floor.

"oh my gosh Tonio I am so sorry I dropped your glasses. I just opened the cabinets and they all came crashing down on top of me I couldn't catch them all-"
She said getting down on her knees and trying to clean up the glass with her hands.

"Charity stop before you cut yourself" i picked her up and took her to the couch

She sat there and started crying. I went back to the kitchen and swept up the glass.

"Look charity stop crying its okay damn" i said getting annoyed

Day Day POV

After me and Diana left we were heading straight back to my house. Diana was really quiet she really wasn't talking for real.

"Why you so quiet mama?" i asked her

"I don't know I barely know you and I'm about to be living at your house" she said laughing

"You don't know me huh but you're about to." I said giving her a funny smirk

We someone pulled up into my driveway. I got out and unlock the front door for her. Then I went back to the car to get her bag.

When I walked in the living room she was just standing there looking at the walls and ceiling and just looking around.

"You can have a seat on the couch I'll go get you a snack" I said while giving her the remote

I went to the kitchen and got both of us a bag of chips and something to drink. I walked back in the living room and see she hadn't turned on the TV.

I looked at her and the TV.

"Why didn't you turn it on?"

"I'm sorry Day Day I'm just kind of lost in my thoughts." she said picking up the remote and pressing the power button

I plop down next to her and we were watching a movie on Fox.

"Pearl harbor this my favorite movie" she said squealing and kicking her tiny feet.

About 30 minutes later she poked me on my side and told me she had to use the bathroom.

"Down the hall first door on the right." She got up and walked over me. Her butt just jiggled

I watched her but I didn't realize I was doing it until she looked back at me and coughed. I can't lie I was kind of embarrassed.

A few minutes later she came out the bathroom.

"Day Day where is your soap?" she said

"Under the sink in the bathroom." I turned my attention back to the TV trying not to stare at her too hard.

When she was done washing her hands she dried them and came back to the couch with me.

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