#2 Lost In The Maze

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(PLOT: Newt and Y/N get lost in the maze at night Recommended by: @Kawaii_Kenzie__)

"Oh my god" You said pacing back and forth as the sun went down, you put your hands on your forehead and your breath became heavy. "No... No No No" You said quietly, your body began to shake.

"Calm down, Everything's going to be fine, we're gonna get out of here okay?" Said a thick british accent you recognized. Newt tried to comfort you though he was terribly worried himself. He stared at you, trying not to focus on the caved in walls surrounding him. He honestly didn't believe what he said, he didn't know if he was going to get out. He wanted to get out, he wanted you to be safe. He knew he was going to have to do everything in his ability to keep you safe, even if that meant death. He wasn't necessarily pleased with his current life anyways, Meaning that if he died for you, he'd finally be free and you'd be safe.

The piercing shriek of a griever snapped you out of your thoughts and you immediately stopped and stared in the direction of the shriek. Newt looked at you and grabbed your hand, he ran and turned a few corners until he suddenly stopped. He looked in every direction trying to find somewhere you could hide. Underneath the Maze wall was a small dug in trench, you and Newt both slid in, it was a extremely tight space so your body was completely pushed into Newts. Your faces were so close you could feel his hot breath run over your lips and chest. You began to shake as you heard mechanical noises coming closer and closer to the spot you were hidden.

"Newt i-i can't" You said as a salty tear slipped down your face.

He stared at you with sympathy, "shh its okay, just be quiet" He whispered and pulled you closer, his hand was on your mid back, he hugged you tightly and you dug your face into his chest, tears quietly ran down your face. "Love just look at me okay? focus on me" He whispered and made you look at him, he slipped a hand onto your cheek and rubbed his cold thumb against your soft warm skin, Just then a piercing mechanical sound came from behind you, The greiver was right there.. behind you, Newt knew it too. "shh" he whispered trying to calm you down. Your body shook violently and tears slipped down your face, you whimpered slightly from fear.

As soon as you made a noise, Newt pushed his lips to meet yours in an instant. You were shocked at first, completely stunned, but the tears seemed to stop pouring and you kissed back. Your lips moved in perfect sync, like they had been waiting to meet each other forever. Newts hand slid up your shirt at the back and his cold hand rested on your mid back. His other hand rested on your face, his thumb rubbing against your skin. You closed your eyes, not focusing on the mechanical devilish creature behind you, Just focusing on Newts lips.. His soft, warm lips.

The greiver eventually moved on and you and newt were forced to pull away. You climbed out quickly, newt followed. When you were out you stared at him, looking at his imperfections, and you loved all of them. You finally saw Newt the way he had seen you this whole time, these whole 2 years. He had always saw every imperfection yet loved them, he never judged you, all he ever did was try and help you. He had always been there for you when you cried, he was there when you woke up in the box, He loved you. and You just now realized that.

Staring at him, you took 3 quick steps to him and grabbed his face with both hands and pressed your lips to his. Surprisingly, he wasn't taken back at all, he held your waist, his cold hand sliding up your shirt slightly, this kiss lasted longer. It seemed to last for what felt like hours when in reality the limit could have only been 2 minutes and when you pulled away, he stared at you.

His hand grasped your hand as you heard he shriek of a greiver. "I love you" He said quietly, removing the hair that was in your face to behind your ear.

You nodded gently and tears welled up in your eyes, "I love you too" You whispered and smiled as a tear ran down your face, You looked to the side to see a greiver down the one end of the maze, it stared at you creepily, smelling you from meters away.

You clinged onto Newt with all the strength you had, You closed your eyes tightly and whimpered slightly, Newt did the same. He clung on, his arms wrapped around your torso. He dug his head in your shoulder and a tear slipped down his face as the greiver started to race towards you both. And suddenly you caught a glimps of freedom, you caught a glimps of the moon, Shining down on you both.

And in that moment, the only thing you could do was stand there...

and prepare for impact.


Did you like this one? it was a bit sad, requested by @Kawaii_Kenzie__

You can email me about any issues you may have or anything at sghodgetts@gmail.com and also make sure to follow me on vine: Sky #stopcodyhate

Please comment any requests you may have and dont forget to like each imagine :)


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