#63 Vintage

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(I forgot who requested this but they're very sweet so this was not my idea, thank you! also if any of you tried to follow me on Instagram and I denied it was because there was a glitch so yeah, follow me on ig:  Http.Skylah    and if anybody wants to add me on snapchat message me. I wanna talk to you guys lol)

You walked into an old music store, admiring the old rust that filled the corners of the place. There was rigged dusty shelves with several old records sitting on each shelf. The walls were a dull beige colour and the ground was just a dark spruce wood.

There was Summer 69 by Bryan Adams playing in the background and you smiled, you breathed in the air of the music, feeling it run thru your veins.

You walked down the isle, looking at the records and running your fingers along the rims.

"oh my god its Thomas Sangster!" You heard one girl squeal in a high pitched voice,  the girl and her friends ran past you to the other side of the shop where the British actor had been for the past 10 minutes.

You shrugged it off, not really caring. You knew who Thomas was and you thought he was cute but you weren't what you'd call a 'fan' so you continued to walk thru the store.

You were looking at some of your favourite CD's when one of them fell to the ground, you bent down to pick it up but someone had already picked it up. You looked up and your eyes immediately locked with another pair of brown chocolaty eyes. He smiled kindly and he stood up fully along with you, he held the cd you had dropped in his hands and he didn't return it quite yet.

"there you go, sorry if  I got in your way. I'm Thomas" He said moving some of his hair away from his face and holding his other hand out.

"y/n..." you smiled slightly and shook his hand.

"where is he?!" some girl squealed in a high pitch tone from the other end of the shop.

Thomas looked at you worriedly and quickly pulled you into one of the storage closets that were nearby, he put a finger up to his lips, gesturing for you to be quiet.

The closet was small, your bodies were pressed together and there was an awkward feeling lingering in the air; not to mention it smelled like Windex and dust. 

"Sorry" He whispered almost silently, you felt his hot breath run over your lips and jaw.

You had to admit, Thomas was attractive. But hes a famous actor, you two had literally just met; he could never like you.

 After a few seconds, he opened the door and looked around, the teenage screaming girls had left the store only seconds before he opened the door. "Thank god, they're gone" He sighed relieved and stepped out.

You walked out too and coughed out some dust that had floated its way into your lungs when you were stuffed in there. "I thought you liked your fans?" You said raising an eyebrow.

"of course I like my fans! I just... happen to like you a little more" He said chuckling nervously and rubbing the back of his neck.

You felt your cheeks turn a red colour and you looked down.

"you're not like the other girls you know? you aren't screaming my name" He laughed slightly "you're just you, I mean I don't know you very well and I just met you but you aren't like the other girls.."

You smiled slightly. "i guess i'm not..."

"i'll be back give me a second" he walked away for a few seconds, disappearing into the crowd of the book shelves. You stood there, waiting .  He eventually came back with a  cheeky smile on his face.

"i have to go and heres your cd" He handed your cd with a grin then spoke agan "but.. can I get your number?" He asked with a smile.

"yeah.." You giggled to yourself and wrote your 10 digit number on a piece of paper then gave it to him.

"great! thanks, i'll talk to you later." He smiled and walked away, walking out of the store.

You walked up to the till and put your cd down.

"is that all miss?" the clerk asked you, you just nodded kindly. "oh, well it appears Mr. Sangster already paid for that." the clerk smiled.

"what- really?" you asked

"yes" He handed you the CD and smiled kindly. "there you are, have a nice day."

You stepped away from the till smiling to yourself uncontrollably hoping that Thomas would text you soon.


That was cute kkkkkkkk

Thomas Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now