Where the mother is now

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"I'll have a, latte with whipped cream please?" I ask the worker at star bucks. As I wait for my latte, I look at the small TV hanging from the wall, CNN is on, why did the plane have to crash in Busch gardens? I ask myself millions of times. That just reminds me of... I look at the TV again, is that"ALICE?" I gasp in horror. "Excuse me, are you okay?" The worker asks me. "I'm fine." I quickly get u from my seat, run to the door, and quickly get into my car. "Don't you want your latte?" the worker yells as I open the door. "No thanks!" I yell from my car seat.

I quickly start the car, and go to full speed.

After a few hours, I arrive at Busch gardens. There are millions of people here, I stop at the nearest police officer, and say "Hi i'm Alice's mother, do you know where she might be?" "Sorry, I can't let you see her, unless you give me your rivers licence and your last names match an i'll call the guardian." The police answers. When I bring out my licence, I remember the police saying, guardian. "Excuse me officer? Did you say guardian?" I ask.

" Yea, didn't you know the father died and the mother ran away?"The officer tells me."Well, its about time he died." I whisper to myself. "What did you say?"The officer asks. "Nothing." I tell the officer. " Wait--- you know the father?" the officer asks. "Well yeah, he was my husband a long time ago but I drove away to Kansas because he was just..." I try to answer the cop. Suddenly all the cameras were pointed at me. I ignore the cameras and continue the sentence.  "Its none of you business. NON OF YOURS EITHER!!!" I yell at the cameras and the cop.

"Okay i'll talk to Emily." As the cop brings out his phone, I ask the cop "Who the heck is Emily!?!" The cop covers the bottom of his i phone 4 s, and says "Alice's home school teacher."The cop whispers. "Her father doesn't even bother to put her in a public school?!?" I yell. The cop puts his pointer finger up to tell me that he's talking to Emily.

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