Weekend Alone Pt 1

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Nicole's POV:
Chelsea and Teuvo just left on a camping trip for the weekend, so I am home by myself. I hate being here in the apartment because I am paranoid somebody will murder me when I am by myself. I know someone who could protect me...

N-Artemi, what are you doing this weekend?
A-Nothing, I don't have practice till Tuesday.
N-Can you do me a favor?
A-Yes. What is it?
N-Well, Chelsea left on a a camping trip with Teuvo for the weekend. Can you please stay with me for the weekend?
A-Yeah. I don't want my girl feeling scared. Let me take a shower and gather my things. I will be over in an hour.
N- Ok. Love You!
A-Love You More

I start cleaning the apartment so Artemi doesn't think I live in a total dump. I sweep and mop all the floors, vacuum the rugs, do the dishes, and take out the trash. I also fixed my hair and put a small amount of makeup to make myself look more presentable. I hear a knock at my door. Then I see Artemi comes through the door holding a big pizza.

"You look beautiful today. Here, I bought you a pizza so you wouldn't have to cook." Artemi says kissing you on the cheek and sets the pizza down on the kitchen counter.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask while taking a slice of pizza.

"It's up to you, it's your apartment." Artemi says

"How about we watch something on Netflix." I say. Artemi and I settle on the couch and he puts his arm around me and I curl up to him and we choose to watch Finding Nemo. When it was at the part where Nemo gets kidnapped, I hear a lot of sniffling going on. I look up and see tears just rolling down Artemi's face.

"Artemi are you ok?" I say

"Yeah,this is so sad. He'll never see his son again." Artemi says and I realize that he's never seen this movie before. I wipe his tears off his face.

"Don't worry honey. It will have a happier  ending." I say while giving him a small hug. We finished the movie without further tears.

"I guess you were right baby." Artemi says.

"What do you want to do now." Artemi says getting of the couch and stretches a bit. He then pulls me off the couch.

"How about we bake some brownies?" I say while giving him a tiny kiss on the lips.

"Sure. I'm actually pretty hungry." Artemi says kissing me back on the lips. I get all the ingredients out and set the oven to the correct temperature. I start mixing the brownie mix and other ingredients together. I suddenly see a finger go into the freshly mixed batter.

"Don't you think about it mister. I need all that mix for the brownies." I say while moving the bowl away from Artemi. I turn my back away from the bowl for no less than thirty seconds and I feel some goop be smeared in my hair. Oh no he didn't.

"Artemi!!!! What the hell was that for? I guess war has been declared." I say getting a mischievous grin on my face.

I grab a handful of brownie mix and smear it all over his face. It looked like he was wearing a brown face mask. He then grabs more mix and smears it on my face. I suddenly feel my foot slide in the puddle of mix on my kitchen floor and I start to go down. I grab onto Artemi's shirt and bring him down with me. He landed up on me and started laughing.

"I feel like I should kiss you now." Artemi says. He gently presses his lips to my lips and starts running his fingers through my long hair. His kisses are filled with passion. He starts kissing me on the nape of my neck and hits my sweet spot and I let out a deep moan of pleasure.

"You like baby?" Artemi says in a seductive manner.

"Yes." I say and let out a huge yawn.

"You tired?" Artemi says pulling me up off the kitchen floor.

"Yes, let's go take a shower and then go to bed. " I say. I show Artemi to Chelsea's shower because I don't want him to see me naked till we are hopefully married. I then hop into my shower to wash off all the brownie mix that was plastered all over my body. I've got mix in places that should never brownie mix. I hop out of my shower and put on some black boy shorts and a Panarin t shirt. I make my way back to my bedroom to see Artemi laying shirtless in my bed. This is something most girls freaking dream of.

"Nice Shirt baby. You wear it well." Artemi says while you get into the bed next to him.

"Thanks baby cakes." I say kissing him on the lips. I then shut the lamp off so it's pitch dark in the room. I lay my head on Artemi's strong chest

"Night baby, love you so much!" Artemi says kissing the top of my head.

"Night! I love you." I say settling into his chest. I could get used to falling asleep like this.

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