This Is The End

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Author's Note: So Its here, the final chapter of The 101 Bellamy Blake Fanfiction. I hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you think. I haven't had the chance to proof read it, so please let me know if you see any spelling error. I'm just really excited to Publish this and hear all your feed back. The video above is supposed to show/resemble how Bellamy's relationship with Alex and Octavia has grown over the season. Imagine all the scenes with Clarke as Alex and all the other lovey-dovey scenes too. I'm not goo at editing things so I just found this on YouTube. Also, I'm not sure yet if I'm going to create a second book to this, if I do it will be based off of Season 2 which just ended. But if I don't, I will most likely write another Bellamy Fanfiction about Season 1 (Because so much happens in it and its my favorite season) Only this time it will be longer and more detailed. It will have a different plot line and Bellamy's relationship will be different entirely. I'm not sure yet but if any of you have any ideas or suggestions on what I should write next let me know.
Any way's Here it is, the final chapter: THIS IS THE END


So far I've been stabbed and thrown onto a ship that ended up being filled with juvenile delinquents who were being sent down to Earth to see if it was survivable. I've seen my friends get a spear thrown threw them, acid fog eat away at their flesh, a little girl jump off of a cliff. I found new friends, new enemies and learned that Earth isn't at all what we thought it was. Of course it was beautiful and everything we dreamed of, but we weren't alone down here. No there were others, we call them Grounders. They believe we were responsible for the destruction of one of their "towns" and that we are the enemy. Some of us have been captured and tortured. We've all faced death more than once. Bellamy, who happened to be Octavia's brother, took leadership of the 100 (and decreasing) or us. At first I was on board with the decision, but for some reason, I've really taken a liking in him. Of course he made some stupid decisions but in the end, I would die for him and I'm sure he would do the same for me. Anyways, a war between us and the Grounders and no one really knows how it's going to end. We slowed them down by blowing up a bridge, which almost killed Raven, but we know their coming. And were not ready, so were lining up, packing our necessities and were leaving fist chance we get.

I pressed scorching knife to Ravens gun wound, her screams filled everyone's ears. After the bombing we were all celebrating when Raven came limping in, we later learned that when Murphy escaped he shot Raven on his way into the forest.

"I don't understand, how did Murphy get a gun?" Finn asked, holding on to Ravens hand. Bellamy shook his head and muttered,

"Long story."

Raven turned her head towards Finn, her eyes closed, "We got lucky, if Murphy hit the fuel tank instead of me, we'd all be dead."

"Wait," Clarke stated, "there's rocket fuel down there? Enough to build a bomb?"

"Enough to build a hundred bombs...if we had any gun powder left." Raven breathed. I kept my head down as I stood next to Clarke, every now and then when I would look up, I would meet his eyes. Bellamy's. Ever since he kissed me it's been weird between us. I was dragged out of my thoughts when something came into my mind,

I looked up at everyone, "What about the reapers? Maybe they'll help us." Everyone looked at me confused, I sighed and quoted, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?" Clarke looked at me,

"Not this enemy," I closed the book in my hand, "We saw them, trust me, it's not an option."

"Enough of this," Finn said, "Can she walk or not?" referring to the injured Raven. I shook my head, although that answer didn't seem to go well with her.

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