Truths and Expectations

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Alex's POV:

 When I opened my eyes I was in the drop ship on a hammock. I looked around and noticed everyone was outside, standing up I stretched my arms. I looked down at my arm and noticed a blue and purple bruise just below my shoulder. At first I was confused, then I remembered Murphy holding a knife to my neck and Charlotte jumping off the cliff. Charlotte. I missed her, and we were just beginning to get close. I tried not to think about her as I made my way out of the drop ship.

Almost immediately as I stepped off the ramp I was attacked in a bear hug. After everything Ive been through I tensed and flinched at the fast contact.

“I’m sorry” I person whispered in my ear, when they pulled away I saw it was only Octavia. Letting out a sigh of relief I thanked her.

 “How are you feeling?” she asked pointing towards my arm and neck. I brought my hand up to my neck and felt a slight cut.

“Just another reminder of someone who chose to leave me.” I said looking down at the ground kicking a rock in the process. Octavia was silent, I looked up and saw how much sorrow was in her eyes. “But don’t worry, I’ve still got you don’t I?” she gave me a small smile, which I returned,

 “Always” she said motioning for me to walk with her. We walked around just catching up and learning more about each other,

 “Remember that time when we first met and totally hated each other?” I asked Octavia as we made our way around the camp, she nodded her head laughing lightly,

 “Definitely, you yelled at the guard telling him that it was a one person cell and you looked at him and replied with ‘last time I check it wasn’t a hotel’” Octavia laughed and was about to respond when we heard someone yell,

 “Hey Guys check it out!” this caused everyone to look in their direction. Octavia and I looked to where he was pointing and saw a drop ship falling to the ground. My face paled as I realized that had to be from the ark, Octavia looked at me, “Let’s go check it out yea?” I nodded. But before we got anywhere I saw Bellamy looking at the sky, he didn’t seem so happy.

 That makes two of us, I thought.

 “Wait here I have to say thank you to someone first.” O nodded and took a seat on a stump. I ran over to Bellamy and grabbed his shoulder casuign him to look at me. When he saw me he smiled,

 "Good to see you back on your feet,” I laughed and nodded,

 Thanks, I just wanted to say Thank you for what you did last night, it helped… a lot…and I wanted to see if you were okay, it looked like you were worried about that drop ship.” Bellamy’s eyes widened for a second then calmed,

“Just for the person inside, that’s all…” I gave Bellamy a curious look, I could tell he was lying and it bugged me that he didn’t trust me yet. I chose to ignore it,

 “Well I guess I’ll see around Blake,” I started walking backwards, clapping my hands together. When I began to stumble a little Bellamy launched forward and grabbed my waist steading me. I grabbed his shoulders for support. When he let go he smiled at me and began to walk away,

“Watch yourself Alex, wouldn’t want you to get hurt,” I laughed lightly and bent my head down, looking back at him he smiled at me before turning around. I looked at the ground and smiled to myself. He made me happy, something that’s been pretty hard since I first arrived. I jumped in surprise when Octavia jumped on my back for a piggy back ride,

 “Jesus O! A little warning next time would be great!” she chuckled and wrapped her arms around my neck.

 “You ready to go A?” I laughed and nodded my head,

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