The Two 'R' s

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Realization and Repayments

“Hello? Hey! Can you hear me?” I heard someone talking as I walked into the drop ship, placing Octavia on a bench I made my way over to the dark haired girl in front of a fuzzy scream. She must be Raven. Clarke ran over next to Ravens side while I helped Bellamy lay Finn down, carefully removing his shirt. I looked up at Bellamy but eh was already out the door with two others following close behind him.

I wonder where there going, I thought.

“Mom? Mom it’s me” I heard Clarke talking, turning around I saw Clarke looking very frustrated. I went out to grab some clothes and fresh water to help Finn.


“Mom, I need your help, one of our people was stabbed by a grounder.” There was a short pause, “and yes, Earth is survivable, were not alone.” Before Clarkes mom could respond the radio went all fuzzy and you couldn’t hear a thing,

“What’s wrong?” I said joining into this conversation, Raven turned and looked at me confused, “I’m Alex,” her eyes widened but she shook that off,

“Raven” she mumbled turning her attention bac toward the radio station,

“I know so what’s up?” I asked looking at what she was doing, having no idea if what she was doing was heling or screwing thins up even more;

“It’s not the radio, it’s the damn storm.” Raven said and began playing with the radio trying to get a better signal. I turned around and saw Octavia walk out of the rain with fresh rain water. She placed them down and grabbed a jacket. I smiled at her, at least she was doing better. Once the radio was back up and running Clarke began to ‘fix’ Finn, removing the knifer.

I began to help others find a place to sit so they weren’t in Clarkes way, while she began to stitch him up when Bellamy and two others barged through carrying the grounder who saved me and Octavia. My face paled

If Octavia saw this- my thoughts were soon interrupted when Octavia came down the ladder and turned around. If looks could kill, her brother would be dead.

“What the hell are you doing?” she asked motioning towards the blindfolded grounder on the ground.

“It’s time to get some answers” Bellamy said looking at Octavia and I

“Oh you mean revenge?” I asked crossing my arms over my chest,

“I mean intel, get him upstairs” Two guys behind Bellamy began to drag the grounder up the ladder to the second floor.

“Bellamy,” I grabbed his arm before he could leave, “look, this isn’t who we are.” I looked in his eyes, pleading him not to do this. He looked back at Octavia who looked sad, upset and disappointed in her brother.

“It is now” Bellamy stated turning around and exiting the tent.

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