Attacks and New Arrivals:

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Alex’s Pov:

Ninety-seven years ago, nuclear Armageddon decimated planet Earth, destroying civilization. The only survivors were the 400 inhabitants of 12 international space stations that were in orbit at the time. Three generations have been born in space, the survivors now number 4000, and resources are running out on their dying "Ark" - the 12 stations now linked together and re-purposed to keep the survivors alive. Draconian measures including capital punishment and population control are the order of the day, as the leaders of the Ark take ruthless steps to ensure their future, including secretly exiling a group of 100 juvenile prisoners to the Earth's surface to test whether it's habitable, this is my story.

“I just witnessed a guard shooting the chancellor!” the thought kept running through my mind as I slowly backed away from the crime scene. I felt someone cover my mouth and pull me backwards into what seemed to be a closet? He spun me around and pressed a blade into my stomach making me gasp, not only in surprised but pain to, that’s when I realized who had stabbed me,

“Shumway?” I whispered, shock dripping form my eyes.

“No witnesses.” He smirked, quickly removing the blade from my stomach. I was about to fall when he picked me up and carried me over his shoulder. I could feel the blood and the pain was so intense I couldn’t speak. He carried me over to what looked to be a drop ship? I heard the squeak of a hatch opening, when all of a sudden I was thrown to the grown making me groan in pain. The last thing I heard before I passed out,

“Have a nice flight Alex”

I was in and out for a while; I don’t know how long I’ve been in this…whatever it’s called. When I woke up I was sweating, I had a dream that my brother was floated with my parents, when I looked around it was silent and dark. I moved my head from side to side hoping to see something of use. I could feel wires all around me, pressing into my skin, scratching me making everything about this more uncomfortable. When I was about to give up I heard some voices. When I found an air vent I painfully turned on my side and crawled over to it.

When I opened it I saw one or two people collecting seat belts? I tried talking but nothing came out, perks of being dehydrated, when I tried again it came out as barely a whisper. When I tried to move closer a jolt of pain ran through my stomach and I fell on my back groaning in pain.

“What was that?” I heard someone say.

‘If I couldn’t talk, I could scream’ I thought

I put pressure on my stomach and screamed in pain,

“I think it came from the vents,” the mystery person said, “I’ll check it out.”

I was breathing heavy, my shirt was covered in blood and I felt like I wasn’t going to last much longer. A latched opened revealing some light, but when black dots appeared in my vision I knew I was about to black out. The looked around and once he saw me his eyes went wide,

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